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paranoia's the garlic in life's kitchen, right, you can never have too much https://t.co/NRwx2C1SMc https://t.co/T6qf7YvR9P

Apr 1, 2021, 77 tweets

today I'm gonna post on the truth about RFK, and I -swear- it won't be a monster thread this time. I read A Lie Too Big To Fail, and there's a lot to chew on, including THE TRUTH about Sirhan

right off the bat, it's worth discussing the author, Lisa Pease, who's an OG researcher who owns the entire 26 volumes of the Warren Commission, you know, as you do

she's plugged in with Salon, and has worked with David Talbot. not that this discredits her or anything, just to know where she's situated in the conspiracy theory world

so, probably 60% of this book is an exhaustive review of first person accounts, bullet angles, chain of custody infractions, LAPD mishandling, courtroom anomalies. all of that stuff is vital, but not necessarily what interests me most

I'm not gonna go through ballistics, but it should be stressed that Sirhan not only didn't shoot RFK, but that there were other shooters, because they found more bullets and bullet holes than Sirhan's gun could fire

either the LAPD botched the investigation, or, you know. either way, there's a long list of mistakes or anomalies with the case, and a lot of the documents are still classified. which, you know, isn't normal.

the CIA recruited from and embedded agents in the LAPD. they also had a formal liaison with the CIA, which was codenamed 'Goliath', which got tapped multiple times in this case.
(I'm certain they name tv shows and movies parapolitical things as chaff)

so, since the LAPD knew that the JFK investigation was heavily scrutinized, they spent a lot of effort heading off any 'conspiracy theorists' so they set up a special unit to investigate the crime: Special Operation Senator, or SUS. I am not joking about this.

who was the man for the job? Lieutenant Manny Peña, a trilingual former counterintelligence officer in WWII who served with the LAPD, where he killed 11 people "in the line of duty"

in 1967, he resigned with the LAPD and started working for USAID where he worked with Dan Mitrione, hahahahahahahahah

one of my favorite movies, State of Siege, dramatizes the real-life kidnapping of Dan Mitrione, "USAID worker", CIA officer, torture instructor, and childhood friend of Jim Jones. seriously, State of Siege is so good

Peña and Mitrione were traveling all over Latin America instructing US-friendly regimes in effective torture methods and setting up death squads

so yeah, when Peña suddenly rejoins the LAPD and becomes the lead on SUS, it's sus. former FBI agent Bill Turner that Peña had gone to a “‘special training unit’ at a CIA base in Virginia,” and that Peña had “done CIA special assignments for a decade, mostly under AID cover.”

also, you may or may not remember my thread on Wackenhut which touched on the Neo-Nazi security guards in Belgium who were probably the Brabant killers, as well as the security guards Esteban Santiago-Ruiz and Omar Mateen, but like, remember that, right?

well, apart from Sirhan, who was shooting slugless cartridges, there was another (and possibly a third) shooter - a security guard named Thane Eugene Cesar

Cesar was immediately behind RFK, and when Sirhan pulled his gun and shot at RFK from several feet in front, Cesar shot him from behind. from which, the evidence shows, the killing shots came

basically, the trick was stage magic. everyone was focused on Sirhan, firing loud slugless cartridges, and nobody was looking at the man immediately next to RFK

our old Friend, Thomas Noguchi, did the autopsy and said all three bullets striking Kennedy entered from the rear, in a flight path from down to up, right to left.

“Moreover, powder burns around the entry wound indicated that the fatal bullet was fired at less than one inch from the head and no more than two or three inches behind the right ear.”

where was Sirhan? and where was Cesar?

apart from the sheer proof, who was Cesar?
"Cesar had been employed by Ace Guard Service to protect Robert Kennedy at the Ambassador Hotel. He [also] worked at the Lockheed Aircraft plant in Burbank"

Cesar had also formerly worked at the Hughes Aircraft Corporation, which, the number of intelligence assets who "worked at Hughes Aircraft" could choke a horse

"Cesar was a Cuban-American who had registered to vote for George Wallace’s American Independent Party"

so he's a far-right Cuban-American, gotcha

Peña did not come to the same conclusion. his SUS investigation found that Sirhan Sirhan had killed RFK because "[Sirhan] decided that Bobby Kennedy was no good, because he was helping the Jews", and that's what they ran with

also, if we're suspicious of Pena, we shouldn't be! he said "I did not come back (to the LAPD) as a sneak to be planted..."

"The way they have written it, it sounds like I was brought back and put into the (Kennedy) case as a plant by the CIA, so that I could steer something around to a point where no one would discover a conspiracy. That's not so."

glad we cleared that up

so, just to get it out in the air, Sirhan Sirhan was a good Christian boy who got brainwashed and railroaded. this isn't as crazy as it sounds.

when arrested, Sirhan did not remember the shooting, and was also not found to be drunk or on drugs. they also found him to be incredibly easy to hypnotize

Sergeant William Jordan, who saw Sirhan the most in the hours following the shooting, said: “I was impressed by Sirhan’s composure and relaxation. He appeared less upset to me than individuals arrested for a traffic violation.”

the CIA was working on this stuff. there's a declassified document entitled "Hypnosis and Covert Operations" discusses how hypnosis has been used in murders before, referring to a hypnotized robbery-murder in Denmark in 1951

and today, we get the Angleton Mindset ™ for real: Angleton ran a project called ZRALERT run by Staff D. ZRALERT ran parallel to ZRRIFLE and interfaced with the NSA, and, as the legend goes, included assassination teams

according to the Search for the Manchurian Candidate, Angleton's CI team was working with a hypnosis expert from California in Mexico City, back in 1960. so, uh, who do you think that was?

maybe West, Estabrooks, Erickson, Greenson maybe? or Dr. William J. Bryan, president of the American Institute of Hypnosis and living in Los Angeles, who told prostitutes he worked for the CIA?

"Bryan was placed on probation by the California State Board of Medical Examiners “after having been found guilty of having sexual relations” with four women he had hypnotized"

Bryan worked on Project ARTICHOKE, and also induced Albert DeSalvo's confession to multiple homicide under hypnosis.

hahahaha yeah man

Bryan died of a heart attack in 1977. perhaps the 'ol heart attack gun. supposedly, he was the hypnotist for Candy Jones, too

short king Sirhan wanted to be a jockey, but fell off a racehorse and was hospitalized in Corona, CA "for weeks". in Corona, there's the Naval Surface Warfare Center (NSWC), and it is suspected that Sirhan was first brainwashed during this time

after this fall and hospitalization, his family said his personality changed drastically

also, Sirhan Sirhan worked at the Corona Ranch, which was owned by Desi Arnaz, but.........

both Corona Ranch and the Ambassador Hotel (where RFK was shot) are reported to have been owned/controlled by Mickey Cohen. it's suspected that Sirhan may have been hypnotized at the Ranch

Grant Cooper, Sirhan's lawyer, was a crooked mafia lawyer who also represented our old friend, Handsome Johnny Roselli

also, you know that classic truism, that you won't do anything under hypnosis that you wouldn't normally do?

Sirhan's other lawyer, William F. Pepper (deserving of his own long thread), had their own hypnotist interview Sirhan and found some interesting things

"I directly observed Mr. Sirhan a number of times switch into at least one distinctively different alter personality state, a personality state..."

"that responds in robot-like fashion upon cue and adopts the behavior of firing a gun at a firing range. The alter personality state is heretofore referred to as “range mode.”

so we've got Sirhan, who doesn't remember the shooting, but who can be triggered to go into "range mode" where he thinks he's at the gun range. all this matches the physical evidence that suggests he shot blanks

FBI records show that Sirhan visited a doctor 13 more times over the next year specifically in relation to the track accident ;)

"In custody, Sirhan exhibited a fear that his prison cell was bugged. People outside the covert world do not think along these lines. Given Sirhan’s school studies in the top spy languages of German, Russian, and Chinese, and given that he already spoke Arabic and English..."

"...Sirhan may have already been on some intelligence agency’s radar even before his accident"

"Sirhan had joined the Rosicrucian Order AMORC (Ancient and Mystical Order Rosae Crucis) in June 1966, a few months before his fall from the horse in September 1966"

"Oddly enough, there appears to have been a possible Rosicrucian-CIA connection to an assassination that happened in 1948 in Bogotá, Colombia."

"Jorge Eliécer Gaitán was the Bobby Kennedy of his time, a man who was genuinely concerned about the plight of the poor in his country and who took on his own party which was doing too little to help. In April 1948, Gaitán was assassinated in the street."

"The killing was blamed on a man named Juan Roa Sierra, who was then killed by an angry mob shortly after. The uprising that followed the assassination, called the Bogotazo, is still noted annually."

"But mysteries in the case surfaced nearly immediately. Roa had been interested, like Sirhan, in the occult. Like Sirhan, Sierra was a member of the Rosicrucians. Roa had joined at the recommendation of an older German astrologer friend."

"Some witnesses, including famous author Gabriel García Márquez, heard and saw evidence that Roa may have been a patsy and that the real shooter—or shooters—had gotten lost in the crowd."

"In his memoir, García Márquez described seeing a man in a gray suit incite the crowd against Roa, “to have a false assassin killed in order to protect the identity of the real one"

"At the time, Colombia was about to host the conference the Ninth Pan-American Conference that launched the Organization of American States, an organization designed ostensibly to keep Communism from taking root in Latin America."

anyone who knows anything about Latin American history or the Cold War knows about the OAS, lol

"Several writers on the subject believe the nascent CIA was behind Gaitán’s assassination. Gaitán was advocating strongly on behalf of the poor and dispossessed, and a large student movement was backing him."

“in one of Gaitán’s best known works, The Problem of Land, he put forth the theory that private land ownership was unnatural—the land itself belonged to everyone.”"

yep, that'll get you killed in Latin America

plus, Sirhan had diaries full of automatic writing, with things like "Long Live Nasser" and “Di Salvo Die S Salvo” (Albert DeSalvo, strengthening the Bryan hypothesis) and “help me please”, and the classic "RFK must die"

his journal might show other possible targets, too, like Nasser, or “Ambassador Goldberg must die". Arthur Goldberg was JFK's Secretary of Labor, then was on the Supreme Court, and then LBJ weirdly convinced him to resign to become UN Ambassador

"On June 18, 1974, Betsy Langman interviewed Dr. Bryan in his office...During the interview, Bryan—who was never known for his modesty—told her he was “probably the leading expert in the world” on hypnosis"

"Bryan got agitated when Langman turned the conversation to Sirhan. She asked if Sirhan could have hypnotized himself. Bryan said the word hypnosis was “meaningless” in the case of self-hypnosis because one could talk oneself into doing anything."

"Bryan had been so loquacious until Sirhan came into the conversation. “This has been gone over 50 million times,” Bryan said, although it hadn’t.

“This has been gone over 50 million times,” Bryan said, although it hadn’t.

“If that is all that you have got to interview me about, you are wasting my time and yours. … It just irks me to hear all this old shit … that is just ridiculous.”

And with that, Bryan stormed out of his own office, yelling, “This interview is over,” leaving Langman behind

[parenthetically, boy what a thing to make hypnotized people do - throw up some seig heils huh?]

in Sirhan's notebook, in the handwriting of another person, is the words, “Electronic equipment this appears to be the right amount of preponderance.”

"The only hypnotist in the Los Angeles area to have been pictured in a local paper in front of electrical equipment that allowed him to hypnotize people was Dr. William J. Bryan"

he invented the BEAR: Bryan Electronic Automated Robot, which can “simultaneously hypnotize seven patients, plug them into and out of their trances, and provide each with personalized therapeutic suggestions while Bryan plays golf or does whatever else turns him on.”

the year Bryan died, 1977, was also the year the House Select Committee on Assassinations was formed to investigate the JFK and MLK assassinations

"Noguchi was the executor of Bryan’s will. Pallbearers included Henry Rothblatt (a key lawyer for the Watergate burglars) and [suspicious lawyer] Melvin Belli"


to start wrapping up, let's listen to some of our wise leaders on the intelligence community:

"You don’t fight it [CIA] without a price because they come after you and they don’t always tell the truth."

"Let me tell you: You take on the intelligence community—they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you"

also, the absolute funniest shit to me is the prescriptions that conspiracy theory researchers come up with. just the corniest shit. and that Star Wars quote?
[chef's kiss]

of course, I'm not gonna tell you what you should do with this information. no fedposting for me.

just lift weights, buy a gun, read books, and pray.

god bless

oh also, 2 final things. Ramparts Division ran the RFK investigation, which if you haven't looked into the Ramparts Division Scandals, oh man, that's a fun rabbit hole for you

also, just, the soundtrack for me writing this thread - you know it's gotta be Three 6 Mafia's HYPNOTIZE CAMP POSSE

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