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The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled Was Convincing the World He Didn’t Exist. @SCPatriotSC on TRUTH

Apr 2, 2021, 8 tweets

This is incredible. First, read this article - who was CIA Director in 1976? George HW Bush...…

A failed bill was introduced in 2016 to recognize the work of these survivors and non-survivor family members and afford benefits. Clapper made more than an effort to block this from happening in 2011.

The bill was re-introduced in July 2020. Anyone else thinking maybe all that money may not be there anymore. And if not, where is it? Black Ops?

Let's talk about Air America for a moment. A story in pictures...

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April Showers?

Those connections may all come together in a D5 (45) (4/5)

As The World Turns. Aside from the possibility of missing funds, is there a concern over names and missions being revealed?

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