Akshat Deora Profile picture
Snaps neck of stupidity. Feed only when hungry. Hindu Atheist.

Apr 2, 2021, 7 tweets

Economic Implications of an Islamic State of India (IF):

Short Term:
1) Bye Bye tourism and Hospitality Industry:
Hijab beaches / swimming pools, no alcohol, no nightlife, but multiple puncture repair shops in case you like driving.

2) Bye Bye Private Education Sector:
Schools turn into madrassas, end to academic freedom, history distortion, quran also introduced into science.
Moon splits, flat earth and wrath of allah.

3) End of finance sector as we know:
No interest, no income of banks / private lenders / NBFCs.
No more telemarketing calls for loans!! 🤑

4) Livestock Industry:
Spike in livestock demand will put extreme pressure on forests, farmland, water resources and lead to sharp rise in carbon footprint.
Pigs will rule the country, literally!
Cross-breeding with animals could be an industry worth exploring. 🤪

5) Healthcare Industry:
Doctors will pray for improvement in health (ofcourse they may give you treatment and meds too)
Quality of healthcare down, sales up.

Long Term:
1) Innovations / Startups - NIL
2) Space program - Scrapped
3) Defence spends - Increased

Overall move towards financial and intellectual bankruptcy will be swift and life as we know today will completely be reversed within 25 years.
(above post is purely fictional)

Bollywood: no change!

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