Dean M Thomson Profile picture
Former lecturer Anglo-American Society & Culture SDAU, China | host of The Speakeasy Podcast | Contributor @Think_Scotland | Substacker

Apr 2, 2021, 8 tweets

So, what on earth is going on in Angus?

So far we've seen the SNP being told to repay £20,000 in #Covid19 support grants. Money originally intended to support small businesses, instead used to support nationalist politicking.

It's clear that Tim Rideout was teaching SNP supporters ways to 'game' the Covid business support grants.

But not just that, proceeding to also encourage a diversion of funds to his own group.

And his facebook boast "I have made over £50k for the indy cause today" stands ingloriously out there for all to see.

The damning silence from the SNP is an unacceptable response to this growing scandal.

A mentality of "nothing to see here" doesn't cut it.

And he wasn't just doing all of this on facebook either, tweets which might pertain to all of this is also emerging.

If you have a small business, struggling to get through
Covid, I'd be more angry if I were you. This is nothing short of shameless gaming of business grants.

We're witnessing a collapse of conventionally accepted standards of behaviour & ethics. Impropriety as normality.

This is what a full-blown authentic scandal looks like:👇

Just in case anyone is still not quite getting it: Dr Tim Rideout is SNP national officer. And he coached nationalist activists on how to get covid support grants, then requested donations from them.

It's a scandal. It's unethical. It's improper.

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