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Apr 2, 2021, 8 tweets

"Sergei Millian implies that it is important to know who gave Tatyana Duran her State Department badge."

"Sergei Millian just replied to one of my tweets circling the Donna Brazile quote about her state department badge."

"Thanks. It's all connected."


"Proudly, I took out my top security badge from the State Department and flashed it at the window. The man there told me that it was not a sufficiently high clearance for the briefing we were about to attend."

"...who gave Tatiana high level clearance?"


"Did TATIANA get an official access card(how did THAT happen!?) or somebody illegally walked her into State Department briefing room without proper screening as some of my readers allege?"


"If Sean Hannity asks the right questions about the August 11, 2016 meeting at FBI headquarters involving the DNC and Perkins Coie, those Democrats running for president can kiss their 2020 chances goodbye!"

"[Cited on p. 66 of Donna Brazile's 2017 book.]"

"The morning of August 11 I drove down Ninth Street to FBI HQ."

"When Michael Sussmann arrived, he took out his security clearance badge..."

"And Shawn Henry from CrowdStrike came right behind and took out something from his backpack that got him through the first screening."

"On August 31, 2016, the FBI received a draft of CrowdStrike's report that was described as 'heavily redacted.' Trainor became frustrated and told the Committee that when he finally received a copy, he doubted its completeness because he knew outside counsel had reviewed it."

"As Trainor told the Committee: 'having that information [raw data about the computer intrusion] collected, fully viewed by an attorney, scrubbed, sent over to the FBI in a stripped-down version three weeks later is not optimal.'"


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