Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Apr 3, 2021, 9 tweets

THREAD: I am in Lansing, Michigan, where I'll be covering "Occupy for Anthony" all day.

Black Lives Matter, antifascist, and other activists will be protesting for Anthony Hulon, a white man killed in LPD custody a year ago.

I will be posting in this thread.


Hulon died April 11, 2020 in Lansing jail after four officers pinned him down despite him saying "I can't breathe."

He had been arrested 12 hours earlier on a misdemeanor domestic violence charge.

Officers involved have been sued, but do not face criminal charges.

I'll be posting updates in this thread + livestreaming + photo/video.

All images available to license.

If you want to support this sort of work, please check out my Patreon.

I'm also @ ford-fischer-1 on Venmo and on Paypal.

Activists are gathering right now at a park nearby the Michigan State Capitol. Only a few are carrying firearms; musical instruments are the more popular accessory out here.

I’ll be livestreaming shortly. They’ll be marching in next ten minutes or so.

Activists marched for about the last hour peacefully to Lansing Police Department. Full livestream here:

The group is now setting up a rally including speakers. Anthony Hulon’s mother can be seen here between banners reading “Justice for Anthony Hulon .”

Several speakers including the sister of #AnthonyHulon spoke outside the Lansing PD / jail building.

About 20 armed boogaloo activists showed up to support the event, but stayed across the street from the rally.

Apparently this BLM group basically doesn’t want their support.

This is the current view. In order as I pan you’ll see:

1) Boogaloos on one side of street

2) Local Republican activists at an unrelated anti-Asian-discrimination rally at the state Capitol

3) BLM coalition on sidewalk near Lansing PD HQ.

On BLM side, community basically just hanging out. A handful of them are holding a makeshift martial arts class.

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