Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Apr 4, 2021, 9 tweets

VIDEO THREAD: A coalition of activists led by Black Lives Matter organizers protested this afternoon in Lansing, MI for Anthony Hulon, a white man killed nearly a year ago in Lansing Jail.

"What's his name? Anthony Hulon!"

"No justice, no peace! Fuck 12! Murdering ass bitches!"

Lansing resident James Henson - who is forming a Black Panther Party chapter - spoke in front of the LPD HQ.

"This has been going on for so long... it been going on nonstop," he said.

"We need to do things that other people are afraid to do if we want to actually be free."

It was anticipated that "Boogaloos" would participate, but apparently "political" issues came between the two groups.

A couple dozen boogaloos came with rifles and stayed across the street from the rally.

They declined to comment much on the schism.

Lansing mayoral candidate Farhan Sheikh-Omar (D) pointed out that "Anthony Hulon died a month before George Floyd."

He condemned Mayor Andy Schor for marching with BLM last summer knowing that had happened (details had not yet been released to the public.)

"He did not tell us."

"Y'all can clearly see this is no longer a race thing anymore. This is a power trip that they cannot get over," said Micah, an organizer with "We The Free People."

"Anthony was a white person and they still just act like it was nothing... just a piece of meat."

Heather Hulon, sister of Anthony Hulon, spoke out.

"This right here is a start," she said. "I'm gonna keep fighting, fighting for my brother, fighting for everyone else."

"Together we rise, together we change."

As an organizer led final chants, the boogaloos across the street chanted along.

"No justice, no peace!"

"Fuck these racist ass police!"

"What do we want? Justice! When do we want it? Now! If we don't get it? Shut it down!"

"If they say later, fuck no, now!"

"It's all of us," Heather Hulon told me afterwards. "It affects everyone."

"I can't even put into words how much I appreciate everybody coming out for us," she said of BLM supporting her brother, who was white.

With charges not being pressed, she at least wants officers fired.

Here is the full @N2Sreports video summary of the footage I shot at today's Justice for Anthony Hulon rally in Lansing, Michigan.

As always, all footage is available to license.

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