Dean M Thomson Profile picture
Lecturer BNH-HKBU United International College, China | Formerly @ Shandong Agricultural Uni | host of Speakeasy Pod | Contributor @Think_Scotland | Substacker

Apr 4, 2021, 11 tweets

A recent poll has made a big splash about the potential of this #Supermajority. But if we take a moment to just look at the polling trend lines, it's far too early to be making any sort of prognostication about any such thing.

Plus SNP majority? What SNP majority?


➡️Trend line since January 2021 - early April

Even to a layman's eyes, the downward trajectory of SNP support in regional polling is obvious.

If anyone is interested, the trendlines are local regressions (LOESS)

Here the same downward trajectory can also still be seen with SNP constituency polling; albeit their support on the constituency has a higher upper level it's declining from.

➡️Eroding SNP support since last year

If we look wider than Jan 2021, we see on the regional polling a consistent picture of eroding SNP support.

August 10th - March 19th. Since this time snap, SNP list polling has fallen sub 40%; the picture has worsened since March.

And it surely goes without saying that an SNP barely scrapping one or two list MSPs isn't going to secure a majority (they need 65 MSPs for an outright majority).

The regional polling suggests another minority SNP gov't is most likely.

Even on the constituency, if we take a wider look it's clear SNP polling has been eroding since last year.

Oct 7 - March 19 indicates the scale of the lost SNP support. The trend lines Jan to April 2021 do not, based on the trend lines, suggest any change to slow slide.

➡️Nicola Sturgeon's approvals

Based on Survation polling Nicola Sturgeon's personal numbers have gotten worse since the 2016 election.

These survation polls are Scotland specific.

While the Scotland-specific numbers show Ms Sturgeon's personal ratings in decline among Scots; her UK wide ratings are even worse. Here is renfield and wilton strategies recently recording their lowest ever net rating for the FM.

So what can we conclude from all of this?

1⃣ Don't bother with individual polls, they are meaningless in isolation. Merely a snapshot in time. What matters are the wider trends of data.

2⃣ There is no reason to assume (so far) the SNP's downward trend lines are halting

3⃣ The First Minister wanted the Hamilton Report to be a strategic 'reset' moment, I don't see much evidence of that having happened (so far)

4⃣ The election has a long way to go, so stop your fussing over individual polls everyone. Spare yourself the heart palpitations.

5⃣ Based on the data trends *so far* the most likely outcome is another SNP minority government...BUT...

6⃣ I repeat one last time for emphasis IT IS TOO EARLY TO MAKE SOLID PREDICTIONS.

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