Ford Fischer Profile picture
Primary source documentarian. Work in Oscar, Emmy & Golden Globe winning films. Editor-in-chief @n2sreports. Video available to license

Apr 5, 2021, 6 tweets

VIDEO THREAD: This afternoon, armed "Boogaloos" protested outside the city hall in Ann Arbor, Michigan to protest police militarization and the recent arrest of Omar Shafie, a man arrested after a more than day-long standoff with the police following a domestic dispute.

“Get your fucking guns out of here, man!"

One Ann Arbor resident confronted the group about carrying firearms.

“You are not the police,” he shouted. “They are in charge, not you. Get the fuck out of our town!”

“Take your steroid-shrunken nuts out of Ann Arbor. Fuck off!”

The police observed the rally from a distance, but did not intervene or speak to attendees. At one point a police car sped right by them without stopping.

The boogaloos joked that the cop was probably responding to a minor drug or public consumption of alcohol infraction.

The boogaloos explained the Omar Shafie standoff to onlookers.

One driver remarked that "Now you guys know how Black people feel huh?"

I asked @TimTeagan about that, who said that people of color have faced "this bullshit a lot longer than us, so no, I don't know how he feels."

Here's my full @N2Sreports video of today's armed Boogaloo protest in Ann Arbor.

As always, all footage is available for license.

Check out the full article on @N2Sreports for a more complete explanation of the #OmarShafie situation that led to this.

The story includes a lengthy statement from Shafie's girlfriend, Cylie Johnston @outofpizzarolls.…

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