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The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion. (Camus)

Apr 5, 2021, 7 tweets

This interview is very telling of why govt is ALWAYS BEHIND the pandemic and why we are LOSING this fight.

Not because the virus is spreading faster, but because govt INSISTS on its flawed and myopic approach to the disease.

A dissection and a thread.

Transmission WAS NEVER controlled. Resurgence was bound to happen sooner or later.

The newer variants may have aggravated the current resurgence but the real culprit is govt UNPREPAREDNESS.

A year later, govt still relies on healthcare utilization as its main metric. Mali.

PDITR naman ngayon.

Last year, when HWs called for a timeout, you rolled out your "CODE Protocol" that basically targeted these interventions. Anyare?

Wala. Puro salita, walang gawa.

Govt had a year to strengthen these, but chose to argue even simple definitions. Anlala.

A year later, govt is still treating the disease as if it is a CRIME. So interventions remain militaristic and approaches are punitive.

The WHO calls for empowered communities vs. COVID 19. What is govt doing?

Employing police tactics and disempowering narratives. Baliktad.

Last year pa pinag-usapan ang saliva PCR tests, di ba?

Even Sen Dick Gordon was saying this will help the PRC provide more service at less the price.

Ngayon "appeal to RITM to validate" pa? Anyare?

Obvious na naaalala lang ang mga ito kapag malaki na ulit ang problema.

Parang ang dami ng 500k, no? But if govt is targetting to test 100k DAILY, hanggang saan aabot ang 500k mo?

Govt-run testing centers, including those in big hospitals, are operating sub-optimally due to lack of support.

Walang definitive solutions, puro temporizing measures.

And here's the rub.

Yung virus nag level-up na, yung govt response HINDI PA.

Kasi unprepared.
Kasi no sense of urgency.
Kasi makitid na lente at makitid na pag-iisip ang gamit.

Tapos, ang DAMING INUTANG in the name of COVID, pagdating sa ayuda, wala rin.


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