Marko Denic Profile picture
Software engineer.

Apr 5, 2021, 15 tweets

HTML tips - hidden gems.


1. The `loading=lazy` attribute

You can use the `loading=lazy` attribute to defer the loading of the image until the user scrolls to them.

2. Email, call, and SMS links:

3. Ordered lists `start` attribute.

Use the `start` attribute to change the starting point for your ordered lists.

4. The `meter` element

You can use the `<meter>` element to display quantities. No JavaScript/CSS needed.

5. `window.opener`

Pages opened with `target="_blank"` allow the new page to access the original’s `window.opener`. This can have security and performance implications. Include `rel="noopener"` or `rel="noreferrer"` to prevent this.

6. Base Element

If you want to open all links in the document in a new tab, you can use <base> element:

7. Favicon cache busting

To refresh your website’s favicon you can force browsers to download a new version by adding ?v=2 to the filename.

This is especially helpful in production to make sure the users get the new version.

8. Native HTML sliders

You can use `<input type="range">` to create sliders.

9. HTML Accordion

You can use the `details` element to create a native HTML accordion.

10. `mark` tag

You can use the `<mark>` tag to highlight text.

11. `download` attribute

You can use the `download` attribute in your links to download the file instead of navigating to it.

12. Performance tip

Use the `.webp` image format to make images smaller and boost the performance of your website.

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P.S. You can find a few more tips there.

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