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Apr 5, 2021, 11 tweets

If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video must be good for a couple gazillions.
With all the debates about how suitable @Tesla cabin cam for driver monitoring, I will let you form your own opinion.

It does look like "full color" RGB based on the red elements


I was a bit surprised that in a city at night there's enough environment lighting to make DM seem very workable.
All these videos are full resolution, 36 fps as Tesla uses them.

Simulated distracted driver part 1

Simulated distracted driver part 2

Passenger in all seats and moving around a bit

Looks like there's a visor position that allows the driver to fully hide the face from the cam:

If you needed more I have a 17 minutes of night footage uploaded to youtube:
there definitely are times with no lights when you can see nothing (eg ~40 seconds 10 seconds in).
Seems feasible in emergency to light up the driver with the screen.

And also 24.5 minutes of daylight footage uploaded to youtube:

(there's nothing really interesting there unless you are into driver monitoring, I guess, so I totally won't fault you if you won't watch it)

you can see the eyes of the driver, head positioning and such even if the angle is not super ideal. You cannot see if they are holding a steering wheel or look at a laptop on the console (vs infotainment screen).
Unlike Tesla renders, steering wheel is definitely not in the frame

I think compared to "eyes only" DMs, you definitely can get more useful data out. Can probably even detect drunks.

Interesting how much the mirror blocks the passenger seat. I wonder how easily removable is it?

Also I was wrong about rear window view usefullness it seems.

hopefully with this info now out, there's nothing else standing between us and the cabin-camera powered "webcam"

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