🚩💜Dave Dent #SmashtheWEF Profile picture
Fine Art equines Fashion stylist/sustainability consultant #Welsh w/c Newport HorseRacing Libertarian 💜🙂 AntiGlobalist Pr: Us v Them 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏇🐏👠🌸

Apr 6, 2021, 49 tweets

Unbelievable people can see the deception doublethink & fear narrative by WEF elite, Gates/technocracy etc, & its cult like adherence esp propaganda soundbites by the media/academia/govts/NGOs they fund on ONE issue, but refuse to see it another issue. SAME AGENDA to them; they👇

have SIX runners in this race, would have been seven but extra dimensional alien cephalopods manufactured to deceive for 'the greater good' to control humanity by Ozymondias in WATCHMEN, had already been thought up. 👇The PROBLEM is, you bar one from running they still have

others: and the issue actually is ALL SIX are on STEROIDS so ALL need to be barred from running and their trainers banned for life from the 'sport' of world domination. So what are these six? Well here is the full list of exaggerated global threats requiring emergency transition

from national democracies where us ignorant plebs get to vote on issues we know nothing about as far as they are concerned, to global authoritarianism by Corporatism. They know we will ONLY consent to this through FEAR of said threats which are:

1. COVID *this was supplemented late at a cost of a a few hundred £billion, which they intend to reclaim from you. They tried a few other global pandemics eg SARS but they didn't come up to expectations in training though they persevered with trainer Ferguson though still

MASSIVELY overated, is jumping badly, and looks in danger of coming down at the open ditch of Vaccine Passports.
2. Global Warming. This has been in training a long time with handler Al Gore and his veteran team head lad Mann etc. But just recently has failed to live up to

predictions and looks so unlikely to stay the trip, it may not even get another circuit. They are thinking of giving it a long rest, and putting it back in training and have applied for a name change to CLIMATE CHANGE so they can cover all bases eg global cooling. Lady jockey

Thunberg likely to keep the ride, she is popular with the press for alarmist headlines and thus their sales.

3. Biodiversity. What to say about this? Oh dear looks way out of its depth claims wise though assisted by veteran jockey Attenborough. It has never looked likely to win

at LIvestock Downs, where no biodiversity has ever actually been threatened after sometimes millenia the lush bluegrass supporting robust runners, and even on the sand and dirt they seem to thrive alongside Livestock. But its limitations were REALLY exposed when it took on

indigenous peoples, and tried to cheat them . Trainer @StephenCorrySvl and @Survival launched a strong objection and stewards should have enough evidence from them by a country mile to throw the claim out

It may have plausible claims however,where crops concerned, though they appear to be avoiding taking that challenge up since their WEF sponsors invested in those tracks. LIvestock Downs of course also have sustainable co produce, whereas Aral-de-la-Mer is a gaff track that only

produces sub standard cotton for mass marketing by the WEF, so they overlook the 22 fatalities - extinct species now gone forever - when it didn't even supply food and required so much irrigation the sea dried up. Similar stories at hipódromo Almeria, which has a poor record, as

does Almond Grove & certainly the buzz of old there is vanishing fast. Similar stories all monocrop courses : insects threatened by pesticides=bird & insectivore decimation on a massive scale. Then fertilizers Gates & Yara also involved with so they get a bye. Then there's palm

oil of course. Massive deforestation for something that livestock once provided in form of butter tallow lanolin etc much better quality but WEF don't own supply. So let's kill two birds with one stone and attack farmers FOR the WEF so they have more land & resources to wreck

So, 'plant based diets' to save Biodiversity not only NOT going to work, it's stalking horse & will make matters far worse, diabolical consequences health to boot. Wellcome of course part WEF who funded EATLancet all about diversion, being invested in coroprate food/fossil fuel

4. So that brings us to their FOURTH global scare runner, Health/Food Security. That is definitely a non runner as far as anyone with a brain is concerned as humans are evolved to eat meat and it has greater nutritional density as well as producing the best co produce and quality

co produce which are an ANSWER to many of the WEF mass production of tat as well as potentially lifting them out of poverty, which we know is related to adverse health outcomes yet they wish to rip these people off for global corprate ag, food & fake meat. Not only are they

not considering 'give a man a rod' they are making sure they break the man's rod, and not even feed him fish but fishFEED. Pea protein which forms the basis of much fake meat, is available at x40 CHEAPER as fish feed.
70% of the world's food is supplied by SMALL FARMERS,

500 million of them. Average dairy herd size globally is THREE head. Of 55 million sheep/goats in the Balkans & Turkey, there are 5 million farmers ie 11.2 av herd size. Even UK beef herd av size under 100 head. IT is BIG Prizemoney at stake and the WEF Corporates & Gates

are determined to capture it by cheating and nobbling the opposition with fraudulent accounting in science, and the assistance of some dark belief based forces. This motley crew of academics for eg, are all vegan/vegetarian so it is all about putting animals above humans re food

security; regardless of their fearmongering that is what it is about. And, then the Loma LInda Uni mob. ADVENTIST University, VEGETARIAN advocating you have renowned loon William Ripple who came up with debunked wolf & river fairy tales; & his eminent colleagues Prof Mickey Mouse

(co signatory Scientists Warning Letter along with many other fake names and questionable credentials) and Helen Harwatt. These people would never have sheared a sheep and probably didn't even know you could milk one; seriously you gonna trust them on food security? From a Uni of

a religion that wants a Garden of Eden diet and people like Kellogg (and our old friends Wellcome) were part of and had some SERIOUSLY warped ideas about health and sex. More on that mob here & their evil influence on nutritional science too isupportgary.com/articles/seven…

@BelindaFettke can tell you more about that follow her.
Then for the influence of Eastern religious based vegetarian elitism among Indian academics, running counter to dietary welbeing &, and again connected to big Corporate connections, follow @sakie339

5. Next runner is 'SUSTAINABILITY'.
This horse not even a real horse it's a recycled plastic rocking or pulp wood horse. And of course being fake won't last like a good solid wood one. IKEA part of WEF, them even TALKING of sustainability, is a JOKE in

itself. They BROKE the model of sustainability. This is a buzzword, but only when you see FRENCH word for it, do you see why it's TOTAL doublethink: 'durabilité'. Entire WEF Corporate business model reliant on MASS PRODUCED TAT & just like their Technocrat buddies idea

is to keep you coming back to well. Now of course, this has caused MASSIVE problem re landfills etc & their solution is to frame they entire narrative of recycling their own SHIT, which will still be shit., while demonizing everything else from

as 'unethical'. Let me tell you ethics & sustainability not even dreamed up when fast fashion corporates started getting rid first fur, then leather for cheap p.u., then acrylics/cheap crap cotton instead of wool. Not only that, they produced this tat in China, with slave labour

You can see where the alleged indigenous saying 'speak with forked tongue' came from! H&M, in bed with the WWF ! Seriously what a JOKE! Contrast 'durabilité' made to last thing: if you think there is gonna be any vintage H&M or their crap will keep you warm you are deluded.

this horse ever got in to starting stalls without anyone noticing it was a plastic donkey, beyond me. They are literally taking the piss out of your intelligence.
Recycle the donkey try & put it back in stalls like we won't notice , when it is NEVER going to be a Thoroughbred,

is farcical. What is more, these WEF corporate companies and Amazon etc, are ALL making money online as HERITAGE quality manufacture & retail go to the wall through their lockdown encouragement re Covid. WAKE UP. This agenda is designed to control ALL markets

destroy livelihoods, and ensure that everyone has digital social credit as in China to ensure nobody can buy anything decent just from them, or even fly anywhere unless you are 'important', and limit what you eat to soylent green eventually. So how do they do this?

This brings us to their strongest runner, and it's a nasty piece of work. Bites, vicious, and needs strong steering.
This eats resources like hell. They will use 'green technologies' to provide solutions to the fears they exaggerate so you are compliant

as their wind blades chop birds out of sky, chop down trees, and they exploit child slaves in the Congo to mine for their electric car batteries. These are the people who are going to put the world to rights with their Great Reset? They are the ones who have CAUSED all the wrongs

But of course technological revolution will involve millions job losses too, & human labour will cease to be a valuable commodity except for their skilled employees; technicians engineers etc. So will be NO green jobs that aren't mickey mouse badly paid of washing solar panels

nature except in SECURITY; both physical to protect them from staving malcontent luddites, and on the web. Hence their other FEAR: an attack on their plans from super hackers etc that find themselves on the side of humanity and will attempt to disrupt their control. So, everyone

will be chipped and pinned; they even openly talk about us becoming cyborgs, and we will be being watched 24/7. Because, you know, the danger of it all coming crashing down so it's to protect YOU. Pfff.
They will, like the Borg ignore you until you are perceived to be a THREAT,

so play nice on Facebook, you are allowed two fake burgers today, travel 5 miles in a driverless car once a wk as long as they know where you are going, BUT if you get out of that car, speak bad against them on the web, you will be seen as a potential security threat, and you

will be deleted, made an unperson, drop off the radar re social credit. Of course while you're convinced eating your fake meat is saving planet, & grovelling among their plastic & tech waste muck so as they don't fine you for using it, elite will still have their private jets.

Even spaceships. Elysium movie. In fact every dystropian sci fi since the 1920s has WARNED you what was coming & you didn't see it? Don't be their drone, don't be a peasant grovelling in their muck paranoid, don't wear their masks & mass produced crap. Do not conform reject

their narratives and smash their machines as the slogan in Metroplis went. Will this backfire on us? no, it won't unless you are plugged in to their hive and forgotten how to live in the real world free of the fears they construct. This is the only way we can take back who we are

control our own destinies, and make tech serve us, not vice versa.

More on the Corporatist WEF here. They were defeated once before and will be again. You cannot surpress the human spirit threadreaderapp.com/thread/1348671…

And more on how it all relates to Covid and lockdowns here

But I'd like to finish up by addressing what many say: why would so many different agents, be working with these agendas?

It is pure and simple: MONEY. ALL their high horse preachin' comes down to snake oil sales agents, because otherwise, you will be jobless esp if you are a graduate.
NOBODY is going to pay you to look at sex life of limpets unless you are teaching, or reasonably well off. BUT

IF you test the hypothesis that global warming is causing changes to limpets which will have a butterfly effect, well then that helps them build their green tech spivvery, AND secures you your next grant. Be my guest, EVERY academic knows this, take a look at what funded grants

are available: nearly all connected with one of aforementioned fears or other, esp with Wellcome etc. And the media? Newspapers are FINISHED. Their only salvation is sponsors, and boy do they pay well the WEF mob

Governments? Well you saw what happened to Greece when they tried to back out of their debt to the worlds banks. All the big bankers of course part of the WEF Corporatist cartel too. They should not have capitulated.
You don't play ball with their plans they will screw you. Even

militarily or with sanctions etc. So they keep the demons of Russians, Muslim world etc. Who incidentally, have all the oil. Now there's a coincidence...but they play ball with Communist China, because that is where their dream workers with no rights live and they profit from it.

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