πŸš©πŸ’œDave Dent #SmashtheWEF Profile picture
Fine Art equines Fashion stylist/sustainability consultant #Welsh w/c Newport HorseRacing Libertarian πŸ’œπŸ™‚ AntiGlobalist Pr: Us v Them πŸ΄σ §σ ’σ ·σ ¬σ ³σ ΏπŸ‡πŸπŸ‘ πŸŒΈ
Jul 24, 2023 β€’ 17 tweets β€’ 7 min read
25 billion prs training shoes unsuitable durable street wear for 7 billion people a yr.
This replaced leather shoes made to last & repairable from COWS. Inc sports I had grandads 1912 football boots at school. Science that blames cows by considering them just food is FRAUD but https://t.co/aonv1rZwLx

how do they get away with it? Would it surprise you those funding the 'science' heavy invested retail platforms selling inc Ali Baba JD & Amazon selling synthetic non durable mass tat? And they funded science lockdowns to boot destroying real retail BTW.
Apr 29, 2022 β€’ 13 tweets β€’ 9 min read
@HelGe081508 @JamesMelville I studied public health history 4 yrs, & said this early on; this a year ago when clear the focus on lockdowns masks & vaxx was allowing this shit to go on. 82 yr olds with cancer & dementia don't spend much time in shops, pubs gigs & sports events but
@HelGe081508 @JamesMelville they do in hospitals and care homes, where we are expected to believe the health authorities didn't know these were the mean points for elderly & vulnerable contracting it. & didn't know lockdowns would destroy millions of livelihoods=KNOWN adverse heath outcomes via poverty &
Mar 5, 2022 β€’ 14 tweets β€’ 16 min read
@nickgibbens @JamesMelville No, but why did world stand by when Ukraine's western funded armed & trained actual Azov Battalion wage war multiple documented OCSE war crimes, 8 years, thamedia suddenly stopped talking about & telling you there's not a problem now?
Trumps govt tried to stop it but @nickgibbens @JamesMelville Dept of Defence got it overturned. Canada too involved in training Azov Nazis.

There's people in high places up to their necks in this suppressing of the enormity of the problem in Ukraine re Nazis and if you think that's an exaggeration you need to see
Mar 5, 2022 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 3 min read
At the time of the NATO bombing SPECIFICALLY TARGETING CIVILIANS not military re tv station, there had only been 1800 deaths and they were going after KLA as stated here. So that's a hell of a spin and totally irresponsible but at least it show more duplicity re morality by the west as Kosovo was part of Serbian territory, had never been independent or existed as a nation. It's ONLY claim to independence is by majority population will. In which case, the autonomous zones of Ukraine MAY have same claim, and Crimea DEFINITELY does. So the KLA WERE a
Mar 4, 2022 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Symbol Wolfsangel of SS 2nd Panzer regiment WWII
They murdered jews in Minsk, multiple hangings of French civilians as reprisals agansg resistance Tulle , Oradour-sur-Glane masscare, massacres of POWS Yugolsavia, etc.

Mar 3, 2022 β€’ 12 tweets β€’ 7 min read
@YardleyShooting Mike YOU are the one who has swallowed propaganda. Yes, Nazis everywhere. Only ONE nation in world however that has an actual NAZI Battalion As a PART of its armed forces and the west has been funding & training & arming them
READ THESE; western sources
@YardleyShooting Got that? NOT Kremlin propaganda but FACT.
And its not JUST Azov. There are paramilitary C14 Nazis

Then there are the Bandera far right fascists that is the ones flying red & black flags over many of the besieged areas.
Feb 5, 2022 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 5 min read
@Evsthetractor @Rob_Percival_ @DietHeartNews Well well well @Rob_Perecival in full denial of history mode. I am afraid you are completely WRONG in your intimidation request to Alan and the @SoilAssociation should see what you are up to here.
I responded to someone else HERE

AND here @Evsthetractor @Rob_Percival_ @DietHeartNews @SoilAssociation

So please take your history revisionism as it doesn't suit you and STICK IT P YOU ARSE you obviously know as little about this as soil health being dependent on livestock you despicable jumped up little man; and APOLOGIZE to Alan.
Feb 3, 2022 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Wouldn't it be great we had self replicating resource not only fed us but clothed & insulated too, that worked on rain & a bit of grass low emissions that sorted out entire landfill problem & palm oil? We have & #WEF want us to get rid so they can plant trees for THEIR emissions! ImageImage Problem is #WEF can't make vast profits from that as margins low. Not interested in selling you wool sheepksin coat or leather shoes they can only double up on when they can make vast profits non durable crap keeps you coming back from slave labour China
Jan 23, 2022 β€’ 21 tweets β€’ 37 min read
@John71381259 @VeritasMarcus @NickHea77733391 @turpywurpy @melhick24_h @rickygervais @Gerard39delaney Again that is in itself an anti science stance. Science OBSERVES and if the predictions it makes fail to materialize, it becomes falsified. You know, like alchemy & phrenology, & Nazi racial science. So what we have re global warming, is atm a hypothesis that has FAILED to @John71381259 @VeritasMarcus @NickHea77733391 @turpywurpy @melhick24_h @rickygervais @Gerard39delaney meet predictions in actual observation. Of course, the LACK of predicted warming over the last 20 yrs MAY have an explanation, so it doesn't altogether refute the hypothesis, but for sure it refutes the alarmist nature of
Jan 22, 2022 β€’ 7 tweets β€’ 5 min read
However,vast difference between land used for some of those commodities, AND durability. So, my leather coat 1946 leather from Italian Alps but ALSO fed people & STILL good. WHERE imports fast fashion, impact eg Aral sea cotton & synthetics destruction China grasslands for mass produced synthetic tat & inbuilt obsoletion tech, which is always hidden in these environmental accounts? That industrialization for non durables threatens their food security = their massive imports of Brazil soya. But
Jan 21, 2022 β€’ 18 tweets β€’ 25 min read
@GerardC76874743 @JeremyVineOn5 @DavidDavisMP @theJeremyVine @eggheadsTV The VAST majority of those were WITH not OF Covid. They were mostly over 80s with co morbidities such as advanced cancers etc. The 150k is for TWO years almost, not one. A bad flu yr takes 60k out; & the all cause mortality is BOUND to be rising anyway because @GerardC76874743 @JeremyVineOn5 @DavidDavisMP @theJeremyVine @eggheadsTV of the start of the 1942 baby boom and so many reaching upper 70s when w/c men l/e is <77. So it is FRAUD, as they did, to compare to previous decade of deaths. The 1990s & early 2000s had higher deaths because they reflect higher births early 1920s got it? So
Jan 20, 2022 β€’ 4 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Reuters part of it.LONG been plan global Corporatism using fears 4 consent. Stakeholder capitalism reboot Corporatism ie fascism. SDGs ANTITHESIS actual sustainability: WEF corps caused probs;4th industrial rev req massive mineral exploitation/land grab; & NOBODY voted for it. So once again it's REUTERS giving the misinformation out. An agenda in which the people have no say, long planned and Covid stated as 'opportunity' to facilitate it, is most certainly authoritarian. Now piss off you WEF propaganda machine. The WEF is
Jan 8, 2022 β€’ 31 tweets β€’ 22 min read
@mauveTriforce @Gerard39delaney Marxism killed millions. You have no moral compass if you contest that.
And no, that was an EXAMPLE. I can give you shitloads more; including more than 50% of docs that joined Nazi party EARLY. I'm saying they CAN have terrible moral compasses. There's a reason for this: the @mauveTriforce @Gerard39delaney discipline of science can be very narrow focussed: that is its nature. You have a hypothesis and test for THAT, to exclusion of other factors. Works for chemistry; doesn't work for complex systems like medicine, & environment unless you consider OTHER consequences. Also,
Jan 4, 2022 β€’ 26 tweets β€’ 19 min read
@drraghibali @guardian We need to confront the narrative that lockdowns (untested in real world ever before) were ever going to do anything, without enormous collateral damage predictable mass livelihood loss= poverty & despair = KNOWN severe adverse health outcomes. The data on latter generally @drraghibali @guardian there are decades even centuries evidence on, & of course geographic modern data on life expectancies in poor nations. Big Public Health ALWAYS been treacherous in looking for other things to blame for this eg sin taxes on tobacco, which actually made poverty worse for millions
Nov 4, 2021 β€’ 22 tweets β€’ 53 min read
@bartharris @m1ssberyl @Demonriceball2 @Evsthetractor @B19913229 @luxoriaaa @unarose7 @BigIssue @RebelsAnimal Calories are a flawed metric. The protein count from small 'bulk' is actually good. As for farming land, there is HUGE difference between crop land & livestock because the latter RANGE ie share land with biodiversity. So look at each of these. Serbia, it is most evident: the @bartharris @m1ssberyl @Demonriceball2 @Evsthetractor @B19913229 @luxoriaaa @unarose7 @BigIssue @RebelsAnimal world's oldest known use of wool garments, at least 7k yrs ago, and still the highest inventory bears wolves bats etc in Europe; that extends through Balkans & Turkey, high sheep numbers (44 mill latter) & high forest (36% Serbia 57% some areas N Turkey). So no deforestation
Oct 21, 2021 β€’ 23 tweets β€’ 41 min read
@Evsthetractor @JohnG_UK @BioMickWatson @a_cois @fleroy1974 @_HannahRitchie Poore is a JOKE. He's a vegan, so ideologically biased as are you & only have to look at his consideration of water to make anyone with a brain cringe. UK produces more than entire So Cal capability alternatives in a ARID state whereas Wales eg more rain in a month than a yr @Evsthetractor @JohnG_UK @BioMickWatson @a_cois @fleroy1974 @_HannahRitchie there in terms of milk, and its real so more nutritious and multitude co produce like leather. So eg pr synth shoes lasts 6 months =35kg emissions, leather shoes last 20yrs min, 100kg inc lifetime repairs. So 20 yrs the vegan produces 1.3 tonnes MORE emissions. Now
Oct 19, 2021 β€’ 5 tweets β€’ 2 min read
Course it is. What is more, people don't realise to take these jobs means moving away from home, for CASUAL labour, to areas expensive to take accommodation or if provided very Spartan. It's always been a job for students & migrant youngsters, Roma community etc traditionally & there used to be other perks on offer eg Irish kids could ride work for racehorse trainers, Roma had family selling goods & services, horses etc; students had shared accom or immigrants partners engaged in permanent jobs in rural communities. These things don't gel any more as
Oct 19, 2021 β€’ 12 tweets β€’ 6 min read
Again easily observed. Ruminants disturb cover for small fauna, so eg you get stoats & weasels, birds prey, curlew where grazing animals. Also prevent choking of land dense scrub which can impact amphibians in dunes, choke with bracken (also fire risk), & soil poverty
Question is HOW, when farmers etc who have been saying such for the last few years, get IGNORED on favour of a frankly beserk plan to oust livestock in favour of trees, for WEF idea of carbon offsetting for the damage they cause ie a land grab paying academics to spout shite?
Oct 6, 2021 β€’ 9 tweets β€’ 25 min read
@sentientism @Evsthetractor @phineashead @FarmingUK @theRABDF @UniofOxford @oxmartinschool @oxfutureoffood @ScienceMagazine @UNFCCC @HHarwatt Veganism= ideology; fantasy one since crops also kill animals and indeed more by destroying habitat.
People who consume animal products= default diet for humanity. And land used is shared doesn't req pesticides, and is extensive because they move from pasture to pasture; & @sentientism @Evsthetractor @phineashead @FarmingUK @theRABDF @UniofOxford @oxmartinschool @oxfutureoffood @ScienceMagazine @UNFCCC @HHarwatt that Kenya avocados v pastoral peoples a classic example; the herders there for 5k years alongside elephants but they won't a few years of survive avocados. I covered it all in this thread, as well as pointing out livestock are NOT just about FOOD, so
Oct 2, 2021 β€’ 16 tweets β€’ 13 min read
@GusPark11 @tomhfh You aren't arguing with anti vaxxers: lazy strawman label. You're engaged with those who don't approve mandatory vax, authoritarian shit that wrecked millions livelihoods, & those questioning efficacy THIS vaccine. Now this should NOT be happening: read
@GusPark11 @tomhfh that whole thread. Scientific claims need to be tested by observation & repeatable to be valid, and clearly something is VERY wrong. I have an idea it's likely to be (given Poland & London hit badly last yr Israel rest UK not so much) a level of herd immunity as kicked in. And
Sep 2, 2021 β€’ 23 tweets β€’ 19 min read
@bleuciel1967 @LisaMarieBoothe There is no consensus this is a myth.
Furthermore, it is dissenters that create new scientific discoveries, not those going with consensus anyway.
Plus, science can be
1. Influenced by ideology & money CEPI , Imperial eg funded by Gates & Wellcome obvious cui bono benefits from Image @bleuciel1967 @LisaMarieBoothe lockdowns & vaccines. Eg Wellcome conflicts interest; & they also engaged last 6 yrs in funding utter pseudoscience re 'food systems' to demonize livestock (eg widely criticized EATLancet) & divert attention own fossil fuel & corp/arable food interests