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⚑ Founder, Sparkline Capital | ✨ $ITAN ETF | πŸ”­ Intangible Investing Using AI & NLP | Email list: https://t.co/KNREHfSwv0

Apr 6, 2021, 12 tweets

New paper: Searching for Superstars 🌟
β€’ Ability to attract talent is a moat 🏰
β€’ Companies hiring talent from elite competitors and universities outperform πŸ“ˆ
β€’ Company social networks / PageRank πŸ•ΈοΈ
β€’ March Madness-themed bonus section πŸ€

(not investment advice)

Thread 🧡

(1/10) Superstars and Power Laws

The performance gap between the best and average worker is growing. However, unlike in sports, investors lack metrics to identify teams with top-tier talent.

(2/10) Human Capital Map

To solve this problem, we build a "social network" based on human capital flows from one company to another.

(3/10) Superstar Aggregators

We apply the PageRank algorithm to this network to find companies that are winning the War for Talent. We run a backtest and find these firms have outperformed the stock market.

(4/10) Wall Street vs. Silicon Valley

From a macro level, superstar talent has been fleeing Wall Street into Silicon Valley's open arms.

(5/10) Industry Clusters

Our graph allows us to cluster firms based on their hiring patterns. This provides a useful alternative to static industry classifications (GICS, SIC).

(6/10) University Alumni Portfolios

We build portfolios of companies that employ high concentrations of alumni from top universities. Here are the employers with the highest concentration of Ivy League grads.

(7/10) US News & World Report

Using US News & World Report rankings, we find that companies able to attract grads of the top 50 universities have outperformed.

(8/10) March Madness πŸ€

We use hierarchical clustering to build a March Madness-style "bracket." Each match will be decided by a horse race of 2005-2020 performance of each school. Before you peek at the next Tweet, place your bets! πŸ‡

(9/10) Tournament Results

And the champion is ... UC San Diego πŸ†!

(10/10) Conclusion

As in sports, the economy is increasingly driven by superstar talent. Companies with superstar teams have beat the market. Human capital flows allow us to find these winning franchises.

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