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Apr 6, 2021, 5 tweets

Have questions about how viral vector vaccines protect you against #COVID19?
They teach your body how to recognize the virus that causes COVID-19. If you are exposed to the virus later, your body will know how to fight it off. Learn more:

A viral vector vaccine uses a harmless version of a different virus to deliver information to your body that helps it protect you. The vaccine does not contain the virus that causes #COVID19 and cannot give you COVID-19. Learn more:

If you are exposed to the real #COVID19 virus after being vaccinated, your body sees these proteins and tells your immune system to fight the virus. Learn more:

Remember, when your body responds to the #COVID19 vaccine, it can sometimes feel like a viral infection. You may have tiredness, headache, muscle pain, chills, fever, or nausea. This are normal signs that your body is building protection. Learn more:

Getting a COVID-19 vaccine is an important tool to help stop the pandemic. More on how viral vector #COVID19 vaccines work:

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