Praneel Profile picture
Fan of @RajivMessage, #RadhaManoharDas, @Swamy39, @SSRajamouli and all his films. IITM alumni..

Apr 6, 2021, 10 tweets

Creating a thread of these..
Handsome Aslam - Hygienic - Uses gloves, safe from dirty flies, uses scale
Untidy Appan - No gloves, looks uncouth, The balance can be used to cheat.

Abhimanyu - Yellow teeth, does not wash hands, smells bad.
Adil - ideal kid

The Lazy Brahmin
Can any textbook carry "The Lazy Mullah" chapter?

Uplifting the dalits would offend the Sanatanis.
#NCERT class 10th history textbook!

It reads:
Dharmic rituals are complex and hard to follow. Yaaga n Yajnaas intensified. In the name of Havissu(holy offering to Agni), milk, ghee, grains were wasted which resulted in food crisis!
(Current BJP state govt has not corrected this as usual)

NCERT textbook implies muslims are the new dalits oppressed by Hindus.
Muslim house hunting faces humiliation and discrimination and its the same as Dalits.

Some Gems:
Babar liked fish.
Akbar didn't eat meat.
Jahangir & Akabar used to fast.
Jahangir also spared animals on Thurdays
Aurangzeb was a vegetarian

"God Allah is great;
There is no other God than Allah" -- Prophet Mohammad

Translation: Hindi lesson in a school textbook:
- Village had a peaceful maulana
- Tensions flare up..
- Girdharilal and his sons come to beat up the peaceful maulana
- But maulana, melts them with love.

Temple worship is andh bhakti.
(Notice the cross on shiva lingam)

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