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Advisor to Monterey County Sheriff Scott Miller 2010-2014.

Apr 6, 2021, 9 tweets

Did you ask the Vice President about corruption plaguing California's entree into legal weed?

... because it's a problem. A big one.

Cannabis markets should have been a model for fairness, equity and lawful conduct. Instead it's the opposite.

@KamalaHarris @JoeBiden


"[Mike] Hackett is partner with Grupo Flor"

Gavin Kogan and Mike Bitar are also partners with Grupo Flor.

Kogan admitted under oath to lying on his cannabis applications in sworn testimony during a 2018 civil trial covered by @Calkins_Royal.


.@RepJimmyPanetta's consultant Plasha Will has taken hundreds of thousands of dollars from Grupo Flor in cannabis consulting contracts while Jimmy Panetta Tweets about how great Grupo Flor is for our community.


Mike Hackett, partners with '@JimmyPanetta promoted' Grupo Flor was arrested (later convicted) of cocaine trafficking in 2017 - but is not banned from cannabis?

Ricky Cabrera was formed a business relationship with former @SalinasPD chief @Kelly_McMillin - who rented space


from a convicted narcotics trafficker Robert Warren "Soxie" Silacci - as has Mike Bitar. As does Kaz Ajir - ALL Grupo Flor people.


This isn't rocket science @WendyRootAskew.

Monterey County, and all 58 counties in @GavinNewsom's corrupt California, CHANGED THE RULES so that felons and other suspect operators could juke the system with their political connections.

Benefactors have such connections.


It's so bad in Monterey County the @Mcosheriff, @SalinasPD and @MontereyPolice have looked the other way in upholding the rule of law - turning a blind eye to the serious criminal element within "legal cannabis".

This as the @CityofMonterey proposes to tap into all that 420


cash. Cash the council, like @HaffaAlan claims will help pay for police salaries and keep Monterey from laying off good people.

In Monterey County, like the State of California, it's a community threat of substantial proportions. When the government gets into business with


bad actors - the majority law abiding community suffers the consequences.

And they are significant.

... I hope @RobBontaCA has a plan as the new Attorney General for California. This must be addressed by every government agency tasked with overseeing the rule of law.

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