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Apr 6, 2021, 6 tweets


"President of the Russian-American Chamber of Commerce, Sergei Millian, Evgeny Buryakov's business contact on the social network LinkedIn, told Kommersant that he did not see a political component in this matter."

-- Kommersant (1/28/2015)


Around the time the DOJ annouced Buryakov's guilty plea (3/11/2016), Millian appears to have become a naturalized U.S. citizen, had his name cleared by the FBI, and made his first donation to the campign.


During and after the 2016 election, three members of Glenn Simpson's goon squad (Ross, Corn, and Maremont) had asked Millian if, how, and when he became a U.S. citizen.

His answer: "Not their business."


"...[Millian stressed] that he was not personally aquainted with Mr. Buryakov."


@SergeiMillian, ever receive a contact email from a guy named Victor Podobnyy?

His superior, Igor, was a trade representative in NYC.


@SergeiMillian, do you recall if Mosk asked you if you knew anyone (besides Carter Page) that you believe may have been involved in the Buryakov case?

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