Baptiste Robert Profile picture
CEO @ Predicta Lab | French Security Researcher, Ethical Hacking, OSINT

Apr 7, 2021, 10 tweets

1) After a quick image reverse search on Google Image, we can find the original publication. Yesterday, Louis de Luxembourg announced his engagement with Scarlett-Lauren Sirgue.

2) Time to check their last moves. We are in a pandemic and they are public figures, so everything should be documented. After scrolling about the last news on the Royal Family of Luxembourg, I can see they spent the last holidays in Biarritz, France…

3) Time to open Google Maps. I can see water behind them and the building in the background is pretty far from them which suggest the beach is probably long.

Quickly, we have a possible match.

4) Time to look at Google Street view to confirm the match.

Wow, this photo is beautiful and bingo we have the correct place, we can recognise the building of the photo

5) Are you sure? Yes, if you look closer this is the correct building

6) The weather is quite good on the photo. The photo has been probably taken on the 23rd or 25th

7) My original wrap-up tweet was incorrect I removed it. The correct place is probably one of this apartment with a big balcony in this white building

8) His parents bought an apartment in Biarritz. Free advice: don't post photos on social networks if you want to live "hidden" 😬…

9) Very good question. In the original photo the sun seems to be behind them in the middle of the photo. Thanks to suncalc, the time of the photo is probably between 4pm and 5pm

10) She is right, after a second thought, the place is probably closer than that. There are some nice panorama close to the white building. Perfect for a photo shoot after an engagement 🙂

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