Baptiste Robert Profile picture
CEO @PredictaLabOff | French Security Researcher, Ethical Hacking, OSINT
CHEW Profile picture Twitter author Profile picture Gérôme Profile picture Coimirceoir MacDohmnull Profile picture Larry Oliver Profile picture 65 subscribed
Sep 17 14 tweets 4 min read
Few things about exploding communication pagers

Thread ⬇️ First off, it's still early, and reports are developing. Keep an eye on the news in the coming hours or days for more updates.…
Sep 8 11 tweets 5 min read
Three days ago, the @FBI released photos of "GRU 29155 cyber operatives": five Russian military intelligence officers and one civilian.

It's #OSINT time! @FBI I zeroed in on Denis Igorevich Denisenko and, with the help of , mapped a portion of his digital footprint in just a few minutes.

Nothing groundbreaking, but I did uncover some interesting bits!

Aug 26 4 tweets 1 min read
On Linkedin, Jean-Michel Bernigaud, (OFMIN chief of staff) wrote

"At the heart of this case is the lack of moderation and cooperation from the platform [..] particularly in the fight against pedocriminality."

Ultimately, it's all about content moderation.
Image The legal showdown over this case will be monumental
Aug 25 20 tweets 8 min read
The woman who accompanied Pavel Durov on his journey that led to his arrest is Juli Vavilova

It's #OSINT time!
Image On August 21, Pavel Durov posted on his VK account:

"Telegram delegation visit to Azerbaijan

In Azerbaijan, Pavel Durov honed his target shooting skills and prepared for Formula 1."

The post was accompanied with 2 videos


Aug 23 27 tweets 16 min read
Today, the famous hacker USDoD has been doxed by CrowdStrike.

You want to know how?

It's #OSINT time! First the recap. This morning @TecmundoDigita published an article based on a report from CrowdStrike received from an anonymous source.

"The likely leader of the USDoD group is a 33-year-old man named Luan BG who lives in Minas Gerais, Brazil"…
May 20 19 tweets 8 min read
The owner of the "Incognito Market" has been arrested. It's #OSINT time!

THREAD 1/n Today, the @FBI announced today the arrest of RUI-SIANG LIN, a/k/a “Ruisiang Lin,” a/k/a “林睿庠,” a/k/a “Pharoah,” a/k/a “faro,” in connection with his operation and ownership of “Incognito Market,” an online dark web narcotics marketplace…
May 7 31 tweets 12 min read
The identity of the Lockbit leader has been revealed. It's #OSINT time!

THREAD 1/n Our starting point will be the specially designated nationals list. It gives 2 email adresses linked to Lockbitsupp:

Feb 21 19 tweets 10 min read
Ivan Gennadievich Kondratyev, a.k.a. “Bassterlord” has been added to OFAC's SDN list

It gives us an email address. It's time for an investigation. THREAD ⬇️…
Image Who is Bassterlord ?

According to Jon Di Maggio from @Analyst1:
- Bassterlord is a ransomware affiliate who runs his team, known as the National Hazard Agency. Originally, he was a junior. team member, but as time progressed, he moved up the ranks and is now its leader.

- Bassterlord partnered with at least four ransomware gangs: REvil, RansomEXX, Avadon and LockBit.

- Bassterlord is a Caucasian male around 27 years old, born, raised, and living in Lugansk, Ukraine. He operates on Russian underground forums under the monikers “Fisheye,” “Bassterlord,” “Buster,” and “National Hazard Agency,” which is also the name of his team.…Image
Feb 19 18 tweets 10 min read
I found the blog of lengmo. Bro people will remembered your blog now

The blog is .

A lot of archives are available…
Feb 14 9 tweets 4 min read
Bon. Il faut qu’on parle du “hack” des 600k comptes de la CAF.

Encore une fois, tout et n’importe quoi a été dit. Résumons la situation ⬇️ Lundi 12 Février, le compte Twitter officiel du groupe lulzsec fr a publié le tweet suivant, suivi rapidement d’un autre tweet comportant une capture d’écran supplémentaire de la part d’un compte appelé kizarush

1. On remarque que ces 2 tweets n’ont pas particulièrement été relayés.

2. On voit 4 captures d’écrans, du tableau de bord de 4 comptes.

3. Dans le 2ème tweet, on voit un fichier texte flouté.Image
Nov 30, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Thread sur les applis de messagerie

- Olvid est une bonne solution de messagerie pour des communications dans un cercle restreint, une communauté. Je connais la personne, j’échange mon QR code en présentiel avec lui et je démarre la discussion

- Olvid n’a pas de serveur central permettant de retrouver qui à un compte sur Olvid. C’est une bonne chose en terme de vie privée


C’est un frein immense en terme de vitalité.

Nov 21, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
Les jeunes et plus largement la majorité de la population CONSOMME l’informatique.

Non “les jeunes” ne sont pas à l’aise avec l’informatique. Ils sont à l’aise sur l’utilisation des fonctionnalités les plus simples des 10 applications qu’ils utilisent au quotidien sur leur tél Plot twist: même certains “techniciens” ne comprennent plus comment “l’informatique” fonctionne.

Les outils évoluent avec le temps. Ils abstraient la complexité des systèmes. Résultat: le “technicien” n’a plus besoin de comprendre le système sous jacent
Jul 12, 2023 15 tweets 6 min read
1/n Hier soir en live sur Twitch, on a fait de la #GEOINT pour trouver la localisation exacte de cette image. C'est parti pour une nouvelle aventure ! 🧵 2/n Premier réflexe, on observe:
- On a un avion qui décolle sur la gauche
- 2 avions stationnés sur la droite
- Un parking avec un bord arrondi sur la gauche
- Ce qui semble être une tour de contrôle au milieu
- Un bâtiment avec une architecture particulière au centre
Jul 9, 2023 11 tweets 6 min read
1/10 Hier soir en live sur Twitch, on m'a proposé de faire de la #GEOINT pour trouver la localisation de cette image. Le cas est intéressant, détaillons la solution ensemble 🧵 2/10 1ere observation le volant est à droite ! Nous sommes donc dans un pays qui conduit à gauche (en bleu sur l'image)
Apr 19, 2022 10 tweets 7 min read
2 days ago, we searched together the location of this photo. @bibken made an awesome job and found the solution! But how did he find it?

Without knowing his mind process, I try to find one way to find the location based on @bibken solution ⬇️ @bibken On Telegram, the description of the post was "Евгений Пригожин в ЛНР." So, I searched "виталий милонов ЛНР" on Yandex
Apr 17, 2022 13 tweets 4 min read
I heard you like #OSINT and #GEOINT, try to geolocate this photo. In a Telegram post, Евгений Пригожин, the guy behind Wagner, has been seen in ЛНР
Apr 5, 2022 4 tweets 1 min read
It’s 5am. I’m up for 22 hours. I didn’t sleep this night. Already took 3 coffees. It’s almost time for 1st plane upon 5 this week. Who say life is boring? First joke of the day. The pilot is sick my flight is cancelled. What was my flight?
Mar 18, 2022 13 tweets 8 min read
Jul 19, 2021 13 tweets 7 min read
Few words about #Pegasus the spyware made by #NSOGroup

Quelques mots à propos de #Pegasus le malware créé par le #NSOGroup

#Pegasus is not new. The first analyses and articles has been written in 2016

#Pegasus n'est pas nouveau. Les premières analyses et articles datent de 2016

Apr 21, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
#OSINT quizz: Reverse image search is not always the ultimate solution for #GEOINT

Let's try to solve this one the old way What can we see?
- We can recognise the road signs, we are in the US.
- The building looks like NYC but it just a wild guess
- The store is in a corner
- We can read the store sign: "Hardware *umber store"
- The store sign is also in Chinese. Maybe chinatown?
Apr 7, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
1) After a quick image reverse search on Google Image, we can find the original publication. Yesterday, Louis de Luxembourg announced his engagement with Scarlett-Lauren Sirgue. 2) Time to check their last moves. We are in a pandemic and they are public figures, so everything should be documented. After scrolling about the last news on the Royal Family of Luxembourg, I can see they spent the last holidays in Biarritz, France…