Ari Drennen 🍏🌴 Profile picture
news: @mmfa • poems: 'thoughts on weightlessness' (2023) • lyrics: 'pink balloons' (2024) • fiction: 'transplants' • my opinions🏳️‍⚧️

Apr 7, 2021, 6 tweets

Whenever I see people talking about the “skyrocketing” rates of people saying that they’re trans, I think of this chart. They used to punish children for being left-handed and force them to write with their right hand. Guess what happened after that stopped?

One constant that’s present literally everywhere in human history is that people in dominant groups will invent reasons to persecute people different than them, no matter how silly the reasons and no matter how cruel the effect. This is all familiar.

Reading all this, Jesse Singal could have made a fortune in the mid twentieth century arguing that left-handed was inherently risky and that children should simply not be allowed to be left-handed without proof that there was no other option.

Ok honestly this is UNCANNY

I’m trying to do videos and longer written pieces on topics like this! If you want to help make that happen, please consider supporting my Patreon. 🙏🏻

I asked my grandma if my grandpa experienced this (he’s left handed) 👀

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