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Apr 8, 2021, 13 tweets

Home of the Master's Tournament for more than 80 years, Augusta National has produced some of the most memorable stories in sports history.

The one you haven't heard?

It involves President Ronald Reagan and a hostage situation.

Time for a thread 👇👇👇

1) First, let's set the stage.

Following a successful career as a Hollywood actor & Governor of California, Ronald Reagan was elected as the 40th U.S. President in 1981.

The only problem?

We entered a recession shortly after his appointment, with unemployment soaring over 10%.

2) After two long years and a close assassination attempt, President Ronald Reagan took a vacation in 1983.

His destination of choice?

Augusta National Golf Club.

President Reagan stayed in the Eisenhower Cabin, a home designed by the secret service for President Eisenhower.

3) As an infrequent golfer who said his handicap was "Congress," President Reagan spent his afternoons on the course with members of his staff.

While the President enjoyed his time on the course, a local man named Charlie Harris was fuming.

This is where it gets interesting...

4) Charlie Harris was a local resident of Augusta, Georgia, living just 15 miles from the famous course.

Since voting for President Reagan in 1980, Harris experienced major loss — losing his dad, job, and marriage.

Frustrated and down on his luck, Harris was fed up.

5) On October 22, 1983, Charlie Harris drove his pickup to Augusta National — smashing through the gate & heading toward the clubhouse.

He got out of his car with a .38 caliber revolver, grabbed an employee, and headed to the pro shop.

His demand?

To speak with the President.

6) Charlie Harris took 5 hostages in the pro shop at Augusta National, stating no one would get hurt as long as he talked to the President.

President Reagan was taken off the 16th fairway, agreeing to call the pro shop to talk Harris down.

Unfortunately, the service was spotty.

7) Frustrated the phone wouldn't work, Charlie Harris smashed it — demanding President Reagan come see him in person.

Secret Service declined, ushering the President out in an armed motorcade.

“With Reagan gone, I put my gun down & figured I might as well take my punishment.”

8) Just two hours after the standoff started, Charlie Harris surrendered & was arrested.

All five hostages got out alive, with only one bullet fired by Harris — an attempt to prove the gun worked.

Until recent renovations, that bullet hole could still be seen in the pro shop.

9) Why haven't you heard about this wild story?

Because hours after the hostage situation at Augusta National ended, 241 American service members were killed by suicide bombers in Beirut, Lebanon.

President Reagan was briefed and rushed back to Washington shortly after dinner.

10) Charlie Harris served 5 years in prison; he reunited with his wife, quit drinking & became a Sunday school teacher upon his release.

The hostage situation was obviously bad, but it speaks volumes that President Reagan made the call.

Some leadership lessons can’t be taught.

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