Colin Wright Profile picture
Evolutionary Biology PhD | Founding Editor @RealLastStand | Fellow @ManhattanInst | Advisor @AtheistsLiberty | Whiskey, cats, ideas. 📧: cwright1859 @ gmail

Apr 8, 2021, 9 tweets

The Canadian government is funding these online educational material for children. That first paragraph is absolutely barking mad.….

"Gender identity is how a person feels and who they know them self to be when it comes to their gender." 🤨

I also love how, on a site ostensibly for information on gender, sexuality, and sexual health, they chose to include "(de)Colonization" and "Diversity and Discrimination."

This is literally a cult.

From the pull-down menu on various identities.

Anyone who thinks doctors are assigning "gender identity" rather than simply observing and recording an infant's sex is a lunatic.

"Someone may be born with a vagina but know themselves to be male."

Raving mad.


"It can mean a person who walks between genders; one who carries the gifts of both males and females, or one who is gender unique (not specific to any gender) and/or as a way to identify as 2STLGBQ+."


"...between or beyond genders..."

"Gender expression is not related to someone's gender..." 🤨

Personal taste in clothing/makeup/hair style. Got it.

All brought to you by Canadian tax dollars. 🇨🇦

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