Stefan Simanowitz Profile picture
"Action, like a sacrament, is the visible form of an invisible spirit" (bell hooks) || journalist || campaigner || @amnesty || Easily distracte

Apr 8, 2021, 6 tweets

100,000 volunteers

10 miles each

The Million Mile Beach Clean is launching today

This time lapse video shows how much plastic we found on a beach in just 2 hours in 2019.
#MillionMileBeachClean #MillionMileClean
#beachclean @SAS_London_ @sascampaigns

Before #COVID19 hit, it felt like the world was starting to wake up to the harm of plastics

But with the arrival of #coronavirus,
single use plastic is now seen as ‘safer’ & millions of masks & gloves are ending up in our oceans
@GelarehDarabi @AJEnglish

We cannot plead ignorance

We can no longer afford apathy

In the UK, each of us discards about 100kg of plastic per year, mostly in packaging

There’s a ‘trash vortex' / ‘plastic soup’ the size of Texas in the Pacific where there are 6 kilos of plastic for every kilo of plankton

Would you buy grapes that were individually wrapped in plastic?

We know plastic is polluting our oceans & destroying the planet but is hard to avoid single use plastic

Supermarkets are responsible for a third of all single-use plastics

This must change!

“Every grape wrapped in plastic! WTAF!”

A confession: The individually wrapped grapes aren’t real but my friend Diane’s reaction is

The outrage you perhaps also felt on seeing those grapes, was also genuine

It’s time to channel that outrage into action

The individually plastic-wrapped grapes are a visual gag - (the passion fruit in the film are real)

But are these grapes so different from the fruit & veg we see wrapped in pointless plastic every day?

Plastic can reduce food waste, but plastic-wrapped bananas?

Get outta here!

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