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Apr 8, 2021, 7 tweets

“The 2017 theatrical cut was an act of vandalism,” #JusticeLeague screenwriter Chris Terrio says. “@ZackSnyder may be too much of a gentleman to say that, but I’m not.” An exclusive Q&A:

Breaking five years of silence, the screenwriter gets brutally honest about how the theatrical releases of his DC films Batman v Superman and Justice League turned into total fiascos.

Terrio says #BvS and #JusticeLeague were undermined by corporate meddling, poor franchise planning, and tone-deaf studio decisions that opted for expensive VFX scenes over coherent storytelling.

He adds that @ZackSnyder was often supportive of his efforts to explore the flaws of the superheroes. The studio, he said, preferred to avoid heavy moral consequences.

One casualty of Joss Whedon’s version of #JusticeLeague? @Ray8Fisher’s tragic hero Cyborg, whom Terrio said he had crafted in close collaboration with the actor.

The Oscar-winning screenwriter is happier with the #SnyderCut versions of both films now available on HBO Max. It's their vision, he says, so he'll take whatever praise or criticism it gets.

All that and more, as #JusticeLeague and #BatmanVSuperman screenwriter Chris Terrio opens up to V.F.:…

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