Dave Feldman Profile picture
Engineering / Lipidology / Citizen+Formal Science 🎗 https://t.co/tKrrIdYbcn (501c3) 🟡 https://t.co/EhKewu6oLH 🩸 https://t.co/D1LrI2vCWq

Apr 8, 2021, 5 tweets

1/ Still one of my favorite studies in relation to the #LipidEnergyModel. One might wonder what happens to animals who become fat adapted due to fasting for a long period.

Obvious example: Hibernation

#LDL #Cholesterol goes up... does #Atherosclerosis?


2/ They were comparing bears in captivity and the wild. And in both, lipid levels during hibernation are "considerably higher than what is normally found in humans"

3/ In spite of the high lipid levels alongside other risk factors, they found no signs of atherosclerosis in brown bears.

4/ They actually have some cross sections from autopsy, including LAD...

5/ To be sure, I'd want to add one more possibility to this list below...

... It's possible the scenario of higher ApoB-lipoproteins in the context of fatty acid trafficking is not itself pro-atherogenic. This seems to correlate with human populations that fast regularly as well

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