David R Tomlinson 🇺🇦💙 Profile picture
Cardiac EP & against avoidable death & illness | Fighting KOL research misconduct | https://t.co/VCg1WiEH9w | No COI | #COVIDisAirborne Clean air geek & hobbit

Apr 8, 2021, 7 tweets

The Disinformation Playbook ucsusa.org/resources/disi… via @ucsusa

Great read for all those wondering how anyone could argue against the fact that #COVIDisAirborne.

[IMO airborne transmission = dominant in nearly every setting...although I could be wrong!]

For a masterclass in medical disinformation tactics, try this [from 28 mins]:

I especially like this part. After discussing how important it is to ‘be careful and use your critical appraisal skills and common sense’...

Prof John Conly then engages in an advertising ploy - anchoring. He goes on and on and on and on incredibly negatively about how peer review at PNAS is rigged and how these methods are terrible....[it just happens to be an airborne transmission manuscript, obv]

Before saying but hey, maybe it’s not so bad after all because he and ALL his colleagues can use this as a great teaching case about how not to do terrible science so it’s great...[it just happens to be an airborne transmission manuscript, obv]

This is right at the start of his presentation.

This is not science: it’s advertising.

And it is killing us.

REALLY looking forward to the debate tomorrow @kprather88. 🙏🏻

PS any SARS transmission event in a healthcare setting is the healthcare workers’ fault.
Message from Prof John Conly, July 2020.
You’re welcome.
@Linzofm87 @microlabdoc @mjb302 @theRCN @KGadhok @CIBSE_NatVent

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