Miqdaad Versi Profile picture
Management Consultant, Media Spokesperson for @MuslimCouncil, Board member of @rightssecurity, Grassroots activist. Views my own. RTs not endorsements

Apr 9, 2021, 13 tweets

The Quilliam Foundation has been closed for good.

ICYMI: Quilliam Foundation - co-founded by Maajid Nawaz - prepared a secret list for a top British security official accusing peaceful Muslim groups, politicians, a television channel and a Scotland Yard unit of sharing the ideology of terrorists.


ICYMI: The Quilliam Foundation report on grooming gangs was one of its biggest claims to fame, where it claimed 84% of “grooming gang offenders” were Asian. This has been widely debunked by experts & a Home Office report

ICYMI: the Quilliam Foundation chose to attack the definition of Islamophobia in the Jewish Chronicle


Some more can be seen here


About Quilliam's funding, see this piece by @NafeezAhmed


A little bit about the ideological approach of Quilliam in its early days


And a strong critique of the very foundations of Quilliam from its outset by Ziauddin Sardar

To lionise former extremists feeds anti-Muslim prejudice theguardian.com/commentisfree/…

This is a screenshot of the Quilliam staff page as of January 21st of this year.

This is a screenshot of the Quilliam staff page as at April 2019

This is a screenshot of the Quilliam staff page as at July 2017

Their website (quilliaminternational.com) and Twitter account (@QuilliamOrg) are no longer active / do not exist

Also this is the employment tribunal ruling against Quilliam where the organisation had to pay the claimant’s claims for unpaid wages, notice pay, holiday pay, a redundancy payment
and unfair dismissal (£20,047.72)


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