Miqdaad Versi Profile picture
Management Consultant, Media Spokesperson for @MuslimCouncil, Board member of @rightssecurity, Grassroots activist. Views my own. RTs not endorsements
3 subscribers
Sep 15, 2024 27 tweets 12 min read
The Jewish Chronicle is clearly an awful news outlet under Jake Wallis-Simons & it's good to see columnists abandon the sinking ship

But let's not forget how its vile attitude to Muslims has been a consistent feature & was very present under Pollard 👇🏾

But it is fair to say Jake Wallis Simons has a particularly awful history during his editorship of the paper.

His attitude towards Muslims is vile. Image
Oct 16, 2023 11 tweets 4 min read
The Home Secretary is treading on dangerous ground here.

A peaceful demonstration is being slurred as "an intimidating mob" and a chant heard at the rally is being mischaracterised.

This is not okay. Thread. This protest was almost entirely peaceful with minimal arrests.

With a protest of this size, there are always a handful of idiots, but from the reporting it seems there were far less than for example at this pro-Israel rally a couple of years ago.

Sep 29, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
After her racist smear was forcibly corrected (ht @cfmmuk), a source close to Braverman admits:

When referring to the 'grooming gangs phenomenon', she only meant high profile cases where Pakistani men were involved & not all group-based child sexual abuse
bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politi… Whilst this source calls the ruling "perverse", they are clearly wrong:

Only calling high-profile group-based child sexual abuse done by Pakistani men as "grooming gangs" is an astonishing admission, unjustifiable and incorrect Image
Sep 7, 2023 12 tweets 7 min read
Outrageous the Home Secretary defends Douglas Murray as "mainstream"

She is *actively* promoting a man who said objectively racist & extreme things such as “Conditions for Muslims in Europe must be made harder across the board" & who has defended Tommy Robinson

But there's more

Douglas Murray says London has become "foreign" because "in 23 of London's 33 boroughs "white Britons" are now in a minority" i.e. being non-white, means you are foreign and can't be British

Is the government view *really* that this is a mainstream view? @Tories4Equality Image
Dec 28, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read

Shawcross, Gove & The Times appear to want to publish names of who they consider to be "extreme" Muslims/Muslim groups as part of their attempt to refocus Prevent on Muslims & not the far right

This is after a far-right terror attack against a migrant centre

Thread ICYMI Shawcross said "..Islam is one of the greatest, most terrifying problems of our future"

He targeted Muslim charities. He defended torture. He seems to even have wanted Foreign Office officials to mock Islam

Much more - see 👇🏽
Dec 26, 2022 4 tweets 3 min read
Hundreds of thousands of people have seen this far-right Islamophobic conspiracy theory on GB News go unchallenged

It is appalling, unacceptable & downright dangerous

One has to wonder where @KeithPrinceAM & so many others with such views get their news from...scary Whilst @KeithPrinceAM has now apologised and a few thousand have seen the apology, the GB News tweet with the conspiracy theory remains up with no clarifying tweet from @GBNEWS.

It'd almost as if they want the conspiracy theory to be shared. Image
Aug 20, 2022 18 tweets 8 min read
Many are heaping praise on Michael Gove today, but few (in their praise) seem to even mention his "crazy" anti-Muslim views & policy positions (see link below)


Because views about Muslims seem to be irrelevant to many commentators.

independent.co.uk/news/uk/politi… Few seem to care that the first Muslim woman to serve in Cabinet and former Chair of the Party (who knew Gove well) was genuinely "fearful of the idea of Michael Gove becoming prime minister" because of "his views on British Muslims"

Apr 10, 2022 19 tweets 7 min read
Argue that Macron is less anti-Muslim than Zemmour / LePen if you must, but please don't overlook the Islamophobic policies & positions he & his government have taken.

Some might argue that his approach has opened the door to the far-right Whilst some feel comfortable to call his government's crackdown on preaching and ordinary Muslim religious symbols, "Islamism", it is obviously no such thing.

Apr 8, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Important to see this happen following the concerns raised by @LabourMuslims & @mish_rahman, amongst others:

Labour suspends top councillor who alleged 'Muslim plot' to oust council leader express.co.uk/news/uk/159273… Context:
Jan 22, 2022 15 tweets 6 min read
The context for this should include:

1. The fact that Islamophobia is an institutional problem in the Conservative Party, as shown by a wealth of evidence and polling

2. The Party has been able to get away with so much because it had power & others didn't want to upset them Islamophobia is endemic in @Conservatives: A survey into Islamophobia amongst its party members suggested

- 2/3 of Tory members believe the Islamophobic far right conspiracy that parts of UK are under Sharia law
- Nearly 1/2 prefer not to have a Muslim PM
Jan 22, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Outrageous. The depth of Conservative Party Islamophobia is utterly shameful

@Nus_Ghani says that “Muslim women minister status was making [her Conservative Party] colleagues feel uncomfortable”.

When will this be taken seriously?

thetimes.co.uk/article/nusrat… Her experience is just extraordinary:

She kept quiet after being warned that if she continued to raise the issue she would be “ostracised by colleagues” and her “career and reputation would be destroyed”

She was told by a whip that her “‘Muslimness was raised as an issue”
Dec 26, 2021 21 tweets 9 min read
Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the anti-apartheid veteran called South Africa's moral conscience, famously said: "If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor" & applied this to today

May he rest in peace and power

independent.co.uk/news/world/afr… Many will celebrate his understanding of oppression & his status as South Africa's moral conscience but ignore his views on today's oppression & apartheid

ICYMI: he called on the US Presbyterian Church to boycott Israel & condemn it as an apartheid state
Dec 10, 2021 18 tweets 9 min read
It is appropriate that on Stephen Pollard's last day as Editor of the Jewish Chronicle, it publishes this disgusting headline.

As people examine his tenure, I wonder if they actually are aware of the positions the Jewish Chronicle published during his tenure as Editor?

Thread. After 51 Muslims were killed in a terror attack in a mosque in Christchurch, The Jewish Chronicle *chose* to publish this disgusting piece by Melanie Phillips playing down Islamophobia.

Dec 8, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
From this Friday, face coverings will be required at mosques (and all places of worship).

This aligns to the latest @MuslimCouncil advice, which also recommends capacity management & ventilation.

gov.uk/government/new… ImageImage Source for MCB poster: mcb.org.uk/resources/coro…
Dec 2, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
My latest, based on @cfmmuk's report on Islamophobia in UK media, showcasing libel, inaccuracies & distortions in excruciating detail

60% of articles & half of TV clips were found negative

We’re asking for fairness, not favours. It’s not too much to ask
theguardian.com/commentisfree/… Some might say the case studies are only the bad apples

Yet the report dispels this myth by showing how widespread the issue is, based on detailed analysis of more than 48,000 print articles & 5,500 TV clips that mentioned Muslims or Islam

May 25, 2021 8 tweets 4 min read
Denial of the scale of Islamophobia in the Conservative Party is no longer acceptable

Will @BrandonLewis, Chair of @Conservatives, now apologise after he said: "I would dispute that [Islamophobia in the party] is an issue that exists in the first place"?
Will former Deputy Chairman @JamesCleverly apologise, after he had said he didn't agree with @SayeedaWarsi assessment of "almost weekly occurrences of Islamophobic incidents".

May 25, 2021 9 tweets 4 min read
The Investigation into Islamophobia in the Conservative Party has been published today.

Our response (@MuslimCouncil) highlights how it acknowledges the scale of Islamophobia, but fails to address its root causes.

Report here: singhinvestigation.co.uk/wp-content/upl…

Thread There are some very important recommendations laid out in the Investigation, which the Party must take on board.
May 23, 2021 10 tweets 3 min read
The pro-Israel rally had 1% (?) of the attendance of yesterday, yet had:

1. Tommy Robinson attending (plus fans)
2. Tzipi Hovotely on stage speaking
3. One participant screaming: "there will never be Palestine. It's our country. My f***ing country"

Let's see how it's covered The way that yesterday's pro-Palestine protests were reported on by sections of the media (especially the right wing), shows the double standards at play.
May 23, 2021 4 tweets 2 min read
The presence of a small number of individuals who espoused awful views in a demonstration of 200,000 people was used to undermine yesterday's pro-Palestine protests in many newspapers and amongst many people

Will the same be done here?

Or can we focus on the issues? Let's not pretend this is a one-off.

Israeli flags are common at far-right protests as has been noticed for a long time.

May 21, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
This is not okay.

It is the latest in a long list of examples where young children with Palestinian flags, saying "Free Palestine" or expressing pro-Palestinian views are being censured by schools

Thread. Of course, shouting "Free Palestine" to another Jewish child, in any way that holds them responsible for Israel's conduct, or expecting them to condemn Israel because they are Jews, would not be okay.

But that's not what seems to be happening here

jerusalemdeclaration.org Image
Apr 27, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
This is the response of the Board of Deputies of British Jews to the careful new report by the internationally renowned and respected human rights organisation @hrw calling out the apartheid of the Israeli regime

See here for more: Here is when the respected Israeli human rights group @btselem reached a similar conclusion