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Fine Art equines Fashion stylist/sustainability consultant #Welsh w/c Newport HorseRacing Libertarian 💜🙂 AntiGlobalist Pr: Us v Them 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏇🐏👠🌸

Apr 9, 2021, 16 tweets

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew Most western nation down consumption. Even Our World Data can't fix: don't eat soya speak of. Pigs/chickens: increase that China DUE to loss pasture, significant caused industrialization for wasteful mass consumer tat & inbuilt obs tech rate 1.5 mill hectares yr PLUS COAL to make

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew all this crap; clothing/furnishings element of which caused huge shift away from leather wool etc so again vicious circle as we rely less on pasture animals pasture & thus bidoversity thus charge than cattle/sheep to blame is UTTERLY ridiculous counter productive sustainability &

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew farcical attempt at diversion from WEF concerns engaged in CAUSING these very real eco problems re sustainability. Inbuilt obsoletion tech & fast fashion partic problematic so far from having solutions their plant based spivvery just deflection from them and these charts

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew shoe exactly the nature of the problems & it's not pasture raised livestock certainly not beef. Uruguay has 5 livestock pp significant beef producer for eg and has a carbon footprint pp of just 1.9 tonnes one of lowest & certainly little increase re cattle anyway

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew In the UK, I think our sheep about same than they were 19th century when of course we kept the whole world warm in wool and could again were in not for the deflection the academics & NGOs with snouts in troughs of WEF money are trying to diddle for their own shameless business:

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew So take Grantham eg invested in WOOD, funding science saying we should farm trees! He funds ecofascist organization WWF to boot, also in on the plant based spivvery here for eg trying to literally pull the wool over peoples eyes re emissions of lamb cawl

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew WHILE working with rogues like H&M who BROKE the model of sustainable re durable fashion by moving to synthetic tat that does not last. FARCICAL anyone false for this greenwash and NGOs engaged in crimes against humanity to boot greenwashing them. Contrast wool etc You need a new

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew brain if you think H&M tat will still be around in 10 yrs let alone 70/80 as wool sheepskin leather garments are and recycled plastic is still plastic & justifies its use & does not insulate; requires more washing of garment & person as unlike wool it gives you b.o. AND

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew the narratives not only give corporates who have caused that industrialization a pass, but also ignore use mass slavery China etc, and those spinning those narratives thee WWF attacking indigenous peoples Africa who THROUGH their traditional activities HAVE that rich biodiversity

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew in the first place. Africa in fact we used to hear was associated with famine, have SOLVED their food security issues through livestock and are certainly not 'overpopulated' as eco fascist billionaire green spiv funder of WWF makes out. But of course, if there IS increase in

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew livestock it may be in those nations. Only problematic of course IF there is an imperialist drive to rob them of their pasture and go for industrialized crops fertilizer and mining for cobalt for more green car & wind/solar spivery; which then of course

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew causes yet more industrialization in China to boot. Then there is Gates, and YARA in the thick of all this imperialist global Corporatist action. usrtk.org/bill-gates-foo…
And NGOs, Global governance orgs like the UN engaged in greenwashing their outrageous activities

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew and orgs like EAT involved with YARA & UN of course. So transparent I do NOT KNOW WHY THEY HAVE ANY CREDIBILITY whatever, but of course the WEF elite GAtes in partic fund the media & academia & he's the disruptive knob behind fake meat too

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew And of course, one of the big funders of Our World in Data along with a family with Nazi inheritance.
So take their spins on their data with a strong element of scepticism.

The problem is industrialization for mass tat & tech re emissions which is

@Evsthetractor @_HannahRitchie @robbie_andrew & just like under Nazi Corporatism, WEF Corporatist tech rev based on attacking farmers etc for expansion & land grab, corrupting science to do so, pushing plant based diets & fraudulent green narratives, & abuse of big data. Mix green with red & get brown as they say E Europe

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