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Professor @FlacsoMx, water, waste, public policy, environmental politics, mixed/experimental methods #ScholarSunday founder. Coffee lover. SNI 2 @iheal_creda VP

Apr 9, 2021, 6 tweets

Participating in the Duke Ethnography Workshop and listening to the incomparable Dr. Carole McGranahan on ethnographic writing.


The website of the DEW is here: sites.duke.edu/ethnographywor…

Both Dr. McGranahan and Dr. Marina Peterson are part of this session.


Dr. Peterson is reading some of her own work and showing the entanglement of writing and ethnography.

Writing anthropology as craft, commitment and community - Carole McGranahan

Dr. McGranahan talks about what ethnographic sensibility means.

This is one of her best pieces:

She posits hard questions to ponder:

"How do we write right now?"

"How do we do ethnography right now?"

"Do we actually do ethnography right now?"

ZOMG. Dr. McGranahan was not able to write at all for a month.

"sometimes you have energy to write, sometimes you don't"

"We need rogue anthropology" - Carole McGranahan.

The idea of pandemic anthropology is amazing.

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