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Cardiac EP & against avoidable death & illness | Fighting KOL research misconduct | https://t.co/VCg1WiEH9w | No COI | #COVIDisAirborne Clean air geek & hobbit

Apr 9, 2021, 18 tweets

Wonderful opportunity to hear the great and the good discussing evidence underlying SARS-CoV-2 transmission & optimal mitigation: the most immediately pressing topics for humanity.
@kprather88 @DFisman and Prof John Conly

@kprather88 summary:

Short and long-range inhalation of aerosols is the dominant route for transmission, with extensive & rigorous supportive data.

'Droplets don't shoot out and turn around back' - chorister event
'Droplets don't do bends' - ferret model proving airborne route

@kprather88 more:

Humans are aerosol generating people!

AGMPs release fewer aerosols [for transmission], yet WHO guidelines suggest HCWs only require N95 masks for AGMPs.

[ed: this dogma needs to die - it's responsible for the infection &/or death of 1000's of HCWs globally]

@kprather88 more:

WHO SARS-CoV-2 IPC Scientific Briefing July 2020 needs an urgent update in light of every aspect of [alleged] gaps in research being addressed.

[ed: our lives are on the line here 🙏]

#COVIDisAirborne @trishgreenhalgh @microlabdoc @mjb302 @Linzofm87

@kprather88: why it is important for @WHO to clearly acknowledge that SARS-CoV-2 is 'airborne'
@mvankerkhove @NjbBari3

@DFisman only had 5 minutes but shared his 'epiphanies'

'It's time to let the science speak'

'It's time to treat [SARS-CoV-2] as predominant airborne spread'


Prof John Conly. In case you've forgotten: he's a VIP with respect to global health policy.

So we'd better hope he's up to speed on the latest science & isn't trying to hold on to respiratory virus transmission concepts based on dogma, bad science and/or bias, right?

Confession: for me, his presentation started very badly as it was exactly the same opening slides & discussion as in his July 2020 talk.

Best summarised as a masterclass in medical misinformation.

Check out the thread and you'll see why.

Summary: Does anyone else think these two slides alone provide evidence indicating that Prof Conly is importantly biased against airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2? He's omitted a vast body of data supporting airborne.

Does anyone have any idea what his true motivations are?

Amazingly, Prof John Conly admitted that airborne transmission of SARS-CoV-2 can occur, but that "it's situational".

I seem to recall similar statements from @angie_rasmussen and/or @SaskiaPopescu on this platform in recent weeks.

Is this a clear enough public health message?


Face touching getting a mention here: maybe SARS-CoV-2 neuronal infection creates disinhibition of face touching behaviour?

It's possible I guess. But direct aerosol-bound viral binding of alveolar type II pneumocyte ACE2 receptors with TMPRSS2 is so much easier, right?

Last slide: nice attempt to suggest the airborne transmission 'world of science' [my words] is lacking rigour.

This tactic is a great ploy for politicians campaigning or aggressive advertising against competitor brands but has absolutely NO ROLE in scientific discourse.

Notable absences from Prof Conly's talk:

No attempt to explain how superspreading occurs with his 'transmission model' limiting airborne spread to 'situational'.

Nothing to counter the animal models which prove airborne transmission.

No apology to HCWs for @WHO PPE policy.

Closing Qs: 10 mins.

JC: accepted airborne transmission can occur but that it is 'situational'.

JC: regarding aerosol transmission, 'I would like to see much higher levels of scientific evidence including some basic science.'

MUCH higher: what's his definition of 'much'?

Fantastic exchange on the Q of why in early 2020, WHO did not use the precautionary principle & treat SARS-CoV-2 as an airborne transmitted virus.

@DFisman 'It's time to treat as predominant airborne spread'

Conly: 'I couldn't disagree more'

Reasons given? Next tweet...

Conly: 'you need to consider the harms of N95 masks'

- Acne
- Eczema
- Conjunctivitis
- CO2 retention
- Low O2 saturations in pregnant women

In this order. Honest.

Q for HCWs: given the choice, would you risk death/long covid/onward transmissions with FRSM, or 🖕 with N95?

So there you have it.

In a nutshell:

@kprather88 'Once we acknowledge it is airborne we can fix it.'
@DFisman 'It's time to treat as predominant airborne spread.'
Prof John Conly 'Airborne transmission can occur: it's situational.'

#COVIDisAirborne @lisa_iannattone

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