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Blue Sky

Apr 10, 2021, 7 tweets

"The Duke of Edinburgh died of natural causes, but QAnon believers are sharing the rumor that he died as a result of being vaccinated against COVID-19."
High profile deaths linked to the vaccine will be a continued trend.…

QAnon and other Conspriacy theory circles are sharing that DMX also does shortly after getting the covid vaccine.

Though it may seem odd, if you can confirm it with a Qdrop then it must be true, doesn't matter how convoluted the path an adherent must take to get there. The difficulty makes it more legitimate as any military intelligence op could not function if everyone could see it.

Other simply turn to numerology for the answer, and unsurprisingly you end up with the number of the beast .

Though if you think numerology is a copout or odd, wait until you see what this user posting going into gematria and linking it to the conspiracy theory that a massive satanic ritual took place of 9/11.

Even though Trump is no longer in office, QAnon adherents still turn to anything he does for sign of secret meanings and codes. Again turning to a statement from POTUS and linking it to various Qdrop is how crowd sourced meaning making is accomplished.

Honestly one could take a biblical criticism methodological approach to analyzing how QAnon adherents use Q drops as sacred texts or their own "biblia"

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