Andy Kim Profile picture
Running to represent New Jersey in the U.S. Senate. 3-term Dem Congressman and public servant. Dad to two troublemaking little boys. Text “ANDY” to 89754

Apr 10, 2021, 14 tweets

5 years ago this week, I walked my family into the Oval Office. I watched my immigrant mom speechless as she shook hands with Pres Obama while he held my 6 m/o baby boy. Three generations of my family in the Oval with the President. I kept thinking “This is America”(THREAD)

That was the last time I was in the White House. The first time I entered that sacred building was when my mother took me as a boy. She taught me two things: 1) This house belongs to the people and 2) this building (and our democracy) is bigger than any of us. 2/14

PEOPLE’S HOUSE: I remember how proud my mom was that as an immigrant she was able to walk us into the White House. We wandered the Rose Garden. I felt connected to my government. I wasn’t intimidated, I was invited. I wasn’t excluded, instead I felt welcomed to participate. 3/14

That sense of participation stuck with me years later when I started work at the White House. The first time I ever stepped foot in OvalOffice I was so nervous, but I remembered I was invited. I had something to contribute. As an American, this building belongs to all of us. 4/14

BIGGER THAN US: During that first visit as a child, my mom bought me this medallion marking 200 yrs of Presidency. As a 7 yr old, that seemed like an impossibly big number. I tied this to my bedpost growing up. I proudly hung it by my desk when I worked there 24 yrs later. 5/14

I carried forward that sense of awe and respect, even through small gestures. I kept a pair of pristine black shoes under my desk that I would only wear when called into Oval Office. I wanted to treat that room differently. The White House demands and deserves our respect. 6/14

I was heartbroken when I saw the White House disrespected and used as a political prop. I took part in 3 events on South Lawn. Sept 11 memorial, July4 celebration and arrival ceremony for Head of State visit. That is sacred ground. Campaigning has no place at White House. 7/14

The White House is more than a symbol. It is the physical manifestation of Article 2 of Constitution with its power derived from the American people. The building is bigger than any of us, bigger than our political parties, bigger than any President who occupies it. 8/14

In this era of growing authoritarianism around the globe it’s more important than ever that we protect and reinforce the institutions of our democracy. After insurrection, we know we are not immune to this threat and Georgia voter suppression law shows attacks continue. 9/14

How do we fight against the rising authoritarianism and stop the erosion of our democracy here at home? The counterweight to authoritarianism is engraved in the very ceiling of the Oval Office. 10/14

When I first walked into the Oval, it felt so familiar from all the movies and photos I’ve seen. I felt like I knew every inch of the room. But being there in person, I noticed one thing I never knew existed - a large seal of Presidency carved in the ceiling above. 11/14

E PLURIBUS UNUM - Out of Many, One. Those are the words hanging over every President in the most powerful room in the world. It is inscribed in the medallion my mom bought me. Those are the President’s instructions - protect the plurality. 12/14

PROTECT THE PLURALITY: If authoritarianism is inversion of E Pluribus Unum, an attack on plurality and power of Citizen, then we must focus on strengthening civic life. Protect right to vote, demand transparency, fight corruption, counter disinformation, ensure diversity. 13/14

I can’t wait to step foot in the White House again and hopefully walk into the Oval Office to greet the President. When I do, I hope to tell President Biden, or any President for that matter, to look up. E Pluribus Unum. This is America. END

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