Andy Kim Profile picture
Running to represent New Jersey in the U.S. Senate. 3-term Dem Congressman and public servant. Dad to two troublemaking little boys. Text “ANDY” to 89754
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Jul 26 8 tweets 2 min read
I heard about vandalism of the United Synagogue of Hoboken and it pains me to see the way some people are acting on their deep disagreements and prejudices in ways that intentionally seek to intimidate and strike fear in others…THREAD Image I walked past the defaced statues at Union Station yesterday as the park service power washed the disgusting “Hamas is Coming” threat from the marble. No matter how deeply one disagrees, that is no justification for threats or antisemitism. 2/ Image
Jul 14 10 tweets 2 min read
When Lincoln was shot he wore a coat embroidered with “One Country, One Destiny.” I’ve turned to those 4 words to help me process this moment. This assassination attempt was one of the worst events I’ve seen in our democracy. It feels like we are a country unmoored…THREAD Image I’ve never experienced a time more unpredictable yet with such generational consequence. So what does this particular moment mean? I remembered a passage in a book I read. “Power and violence are opposites; where the one rules absolutely, the other is absent.”  2/10
Jun 4 11 tweets 4 min read
This month is 20 yrs since I started serving the country, first as an intern and now today I’m on the ballot to be the Dem nominee for Senate. I’ve been blessed to serve, working my way up from a desk in the photocopy room. But I always remembered my 1st lesson in service. THREAD Image 20 yrs ago, arriving at Union Station, I realized I didn’t know anyone else in the entire city of DC. I didn’t come from a political family or had any previous experience in DC except for a family trip or two. I was nervous. I felt out of place. I felt like I didn’t belong. 2/11 Image
Apr 29 6 tweets 2 min read
I first met @YaelBromberg, @bmpugach and Flavio Komuves just 5 months ago. While we talked, the gravity of what we were considering hit me. I asked them point blank, what’s our chance of winning a lawsuit against the political machine? Is this a Hail Mary or do we have a shot?🧵 The three of them didn’t flinch. They each took turns telling me why this was real. They embodied confidence yet humility. They were pragmatic and tactical while maintaining the hopefulness and courage one needs to take on NJ politics. 2/6
Mar 12 10 tweets 4 min read
Politics in NJ is facing a real crossroads right now between elite control and power of people. The same leaders who gain political control through the county line on ballots are flexing to ram through a bill gutting OPRA and transparency. These problems are interconnected THREAD Image Of all the things to fast track...leaders are spending time and capital reducing transparency. We have affordability, environmental, infrastructure challenges. It's a real prioritization problem to have a politics more interested in preserving/expanding their own control. 2/10 Image
Feb 26 9 tweets 3 min read
The broken politics in New Jersey needs to end once and for all. Today I am filing suit and seeking an injunction to stop the corrupt county line system for this June 4 primary and to abolish it permanently going forward. 49 states use fair ballots; it’s time NJ does too. THREAD Image Right now NJ allows a handful of party elites to give their handpicked candidates preferential placement on the ballot. This is a deeply unfair advantage that disenfranchises voters by applying undue influence and suppressing choice of candidates. Image
Jan 19 9 tweets 4 min read
Last week I was proud to be endorsed by College Democrats of NJ, but I found out the terrible backstory that shows how Jersey politics is broken. The college students were pressured and threatened to not endorse me. Good thing they recorded the call. Here’s what happened…THREAD Image Prior to the endorsement announcement, someone who works for the state Democratic Party told student leaders that endorsing me could affect their future job prospects and their org’s funding. The student leaders felt threatened and recorded the call. 2/9…
Jan 13 16 tweets 5 min read
With today being Korean American Day I’m asked what it means to be Korean American. When I look at my boys wearing traditional Hanbok and besides the fact that they are unbelievably cute, it raises a lot of complex emotions that I’ve struggled with over my life…THREAD Image My parents moved here 50 yrs ago. They didn’t know anyone else in the entire western hemisphere of Earth. My sister and I were born here with no other relatives living within about 7000 miles of us. 2/16
Jan 6 12 tweets 6 min read
After the photo of me cleaning the Capitol went viral, people kept saying to me the phrase “Look For The Helpers.” I grew up with Mister Rogers and felt comfort in those words. But now, 3 yrs after Jan 6, I have come to learn an entirely different lesson from this phrase… THREAD
This photo is 1st night I got home to my family after Jan 6. My 5 yr old asked me how I was doing and if something bad happened at work. My wife and I hadn’t told them anything yet but he must have heard something at school. So I turned to Mister Rogers: Look for the Helpers.2/11 Image
Oct 19, 2023 18 tweets 4 min read
I just heard about a NJ family grieving the loss of multiple family members in Gaza. I heard a woman at a vigil recount the pain of losing relatives in a kibbutz. Hamas’ attack set off a war and humanitarian crisis that will have decades-long ramifications. THREAD The human toll breaks my heart. As we wait for the President to address the nation tonight, we mourn every innocent life lost in Israel, Gaza and West Bank. Hamas must face the consequences of their brutality; murdering Israeli families and repressing Palestinians in Gaza. 2/18
Oct 9, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
SHARE INFO: I’m getting many calls from US citizens visiting Israel trying to get home. Here is what we know so far.

1.Any US citizen in need of help please fill this out:

2.This is best place I’ve found for flight info:

More…… EL AL airline has most number of flights in and out of Tel Aviv

They set up crisis hotline — Phone: +972-3-9404040. or via Facebook, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp: +972-3-9771111
Oct 7, 2023 6 tweets 1 min read
The more we learn about the attacks in Israel, the more we see the extent to the horror. It is vitally important to unequivocally condemn Hamas for this brutal violence that has taken the lives of over a hundred people with that number likely to rise much higher. THREAD I’m getting updates from people on the ground. People who were preparing to celebrate Simchat Torah but instead they are in hiding, uncertain whether their loved ones are safe or not. The scope of this tragedy is immense and we mourn for those lost. 2/6
Jan 22, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
I feel overwhelmed by emotion right now as I wake up after celebrating lunar new years with my family only to learn of this mass shooting in California where at least 10 were killed at lunar new year celebration. I woke to a flurry of calls/texts…THREAD.… AAPI communities around nation were planning festivities today and have been planning for months. They are now are waking up feeling shattered and scared. I’m getting frantic texts from people all over the nation. Common phrase I hear is “I don’t know how to process this” 2/5
Jan 6, 2023 14 tweets 4 min read
On Jan6 anniversary as we gather in the House chamber to elect a speaker, let’s remember what Kevin McCarthy said during and immediately after the attack. I kept track:

“President bears responsibility for Wednesday’s attack on Congress by mob rioters” (Jan 13) THREAD Image McCarthy (Jan 6): “The violence, destruction, and chaos we saw earlier was unacceptable undemocratic and unamerican. It was the saddest day I’ve ever had as serving as a member of this institution…We saw the worst of America this afternoon…” 2/14
Jan 6, 2023 17 tweets 7 min read
The first time I got home after Jan 6, my then 5 yr old son hugged me and asked “Dada, are you ok?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Did something happen at your work?” I didn’t know what to say and never followed up.2yrs later I think I’m ready to talk to him. Here’s what I plan to say.THREAD I took him home that night and read Thomas the tank engine books, as if all was normal. I kept wondering how he found out. My wife didn’t say anything. I’m guessing his teacher/classmates. It hurt my heart to think of the terrible example our broken politics sets for our kids2/17
Dec 13, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
927 words. That’s the Respect for Marriage Act just signed into law. Inspiring how so few words can codify rights for so many people. 927 words that say love is love. 927 words that protect these rights from Justice Thomas and others who seek to pull us backwards. THREAD 927 words to preserve freedom to marry who we love. 7 yrs ago I remember when Supreme Court ruled same-sex marriage a constitutional right. I worked at the White House and a number of us stepped out that night to watch the building in rainbow lights. That moment felt profound.2/5
Dec 7, 2022 9 tweets 4 min read
It’s a humbling experience as the boat crosses Pearl Harbor and approaches the USS Arizona memorial honoring the resting place of many of those lost 81 yrs ago. I recently visited and on this anniversary wanted to share this beautiful memorial with you if you haven’t been.THREAD Image The white curve of the memorial stands out above the waves and prepares you for the solemn experience. Your mind begins to try and imagine what it was like that day. The planes above with armor piercing shells, the explosions as the Arizona began to sink.2/9 ImageImage
Nov 16, 2022 14 tweets 7 min read
Something amazing occurred in Florida last night, but not what’s leading the news. While political leaders seek to divide us, #Artemis launch pulls us together in new era of discovery. Someone asked me if returning to moon can still inspire. Here’s what I wish I said back. THREAD I can understand their skepticism. In some ways we have become a generation accustomed to seeing it all. The bombardment of Hollywood CGI dulled our capacity to be shocked. And current societal divisions leave us often in a state of fatigue and malaise. 2/14
Nov 8, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
My wife and I have a tradition on ElectionDay where we just take the day and drive around just the two of us. We see so many beautiful places and fun stores in our district and meet wonderful people. Here are some of our adventures today.THREAD Image We started this tradition in 2018. We keep each other calm and relaxed on an otherwise stressful day. Driving around reminds us just how beautiful this slice of America is and helps us discover new places. Loved our breakfast in Lawrence. @wildflourNJ @thegingerdpeach 2/7 ImageImageImageImage
Nov 5, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
If you’ve ever been to the Hamilton train station, you’ve likely seen huge sculptures of dancers based on Renoir paintings. This week, I learned those are called “escapees” from Grounds for Sculpture (@gfsnj), the most incredible sculpture garden. Let me show you around. THREAD Image Seward Johnson, of Johnson and Johnson, got his start painting. After discovering his love of sculpture, he wanted to create a public park to share it. He bought what used to be the Hamilton Fair Grounds – that was perfect for a new project. 2/8 Image
Sep 19, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Little story for you as I just learned something amazing. Everyone knows Brooklyn Bridge, but few know that it was built by Roebling family from my district who had simple yet revolutionary invention that changed our nation from Golden Gate Bridge to 1st Wright Bros plane.THREAD Image I stopped at the museum in town of Roebling. They told me the story of how John Roebling was working the NY canals back in mid 1800s and saw boats pulled by hemp rope that kept breaking. It sparked a revolutionary idea - creating rope from wire. 2/8 ImageImageImage