Magilla Gorilla 39 Profile picture
I temporarily live at Mr. Peeble's Pet Shop, but I am hoping to get a permanent home soon. I'm a focused gorilla detective. Tick, Tock Manitowoc. Tick, Tock.

Apr 11, 2021, 40 tweets

(1) The dust-free bullet fragment w/Teresa Halbach's planted DNA was found on top of white cement dust that did not exist in Steven Avery's garage until Law Enforcement (LE) generated it w/a jack hammer the night before. LE testified it was photographed exactly as they found it.

(2) Had the AirUp Tire Inflator and Sealer can found under the front passenger seat of Teresa Halbach's RAV4 been used?

(3) Apparent color varies with lighting and adjustments made during processing and editing.

Teal can easily appear either green or blue.

(4) The state presented the top left photo as the condition of the cabinet before Lt. Colborn shook it (Exhibit 208).

They presented the bottom left photo as the condition after the alleged shaking, when the key was found (Exhibit 209).

The coins don't lie; Lt. Colborn does.

(5) Only one AA Battery was found in Steven Avery's Burn Barrel.

Teresa Halbach's Canon Camera took two.

(6) Before the magic bullet was found (1 and 2) there is no evidence of white dust on the floor.

At the time the magic bullet was found, there is white dust everywhere, including (3) under the dust-free bullet, and (4) a handprint in the dust at the evidence technician's knees.

(7) Law Enforcement claims it placed this tarp over the RAV4 to protect its exterior from contamination.

In doing so, they completely contaminated the exterior of the RAV4.

Do these people have a pulse?

(8) Wiegert's and Fassbender's questioning technique is now being used in Law Schools as a perfect example of "contaminating an interrogation" by introducing information that they later claimed to have come from the suspect.

(9) Ryan Hillegas told police that the accident that damaged Teresa Halbach's front left turn signal had happened in the past, that she had made an insurance claim, and she was driving around w/o it for some time.

The mud on her rolled-up fender liner told a different story.

(10) The last mud on the side of the RAV4 is from driving through the Avery Salvage Yard (ASY) mud.

The color of that mud matches the color on the rolled up fender liner in the wheel well.

Therefore, the accident that rolled up the wheel well occurred in the ASY.

(11) Further, the white chalk on the side of her RAV4 is from her own driveway, so the mud on top of it occurred since she last left home.

(12) If Teresa was attacked in Steven's home and killed in Steven's garage, as the state claims, when she moved with bloody hair in the cargo hold of the RAV4?

(13) Do you doubt there was mud throughout the Avery property, especially in the pit?

(14) Why didn't Ryan mention the two phone calls his phone made to Teresa's Telco's help line?

(15) He also stared strangely into space, when fielding this simple question. Later he didn't know if he saw her in the day or the night.

(16) Tom Fassbender's notes for Sherry Culhane, prior to her finding Teresa Halbach's DNA on the Magic Bullet.

(17) Too bad @JButing didn't have Dr. Palenik's trace evidence findings when he questioned Sherry Culhane about the Magic Bullet.

(18) Bullet Fragment FL:
The mineral component of bone is hydroxyapatite, an insoluble salt of calcium and phosphorus. About 65% of adult bone mass is hydroxyapatite. Dr. Chris Palenik found "no phosphorus peak".

No Phosphorus means No Bone.

(19) Examining the exemplar, known to be bone, Dr. Palenik sees the phosphorus mapping match the calcium mapping. The compound contains both calcium and phosphorus; it is bone.

(20) This jackhammered floor (left) is what Law Enforcement carefully tried to keep out of the picture when they photographed the magic bullet on the floor.

The frame on the left is from the state's exit video when they completed their search on March 2, 2006.

(21) Note that there is no mud on the fender liner of the RAV4's front right side wheel well. Mud does not get thrown here, whether you are going forward or backward. It's mostly thrown tangentially from the lower edge of the tire.

(22) The only time the top of the wheel well would get muddy is during the accident, when the fender liner dislodged and was rolled up by the tire.

(23) The pharmaceutical popping, sexually harassing Special Prosecutor in the Steven Avery case insists on pretending like he was a victim.

(24) Justice in Wisconsin:

(25) "How would you like to go with me to an autopsy, baby?"

(26) What they call "sexual assault" for all of us, they call "sexual addiction" for a Wisconsin prosecutor.

(27) The video tape of the Barb Janda Answering Machine playing Teresa Halbach's message from 10/31/2005 is on YouTube.

Some claim this is a message for the Zipperer's, but offer no evidence.

(28) Teresa's sister holds two different evidence items that the prosecution attached to each other.

Did the defense know another key set had been found that fit the lanyard just as well?

(29) The light colored stitching on keyring with the Magic Key did not match the stitching on the Air Show lanyard, nor does the stitching on the keyring with the 2003 ornament.

(30) I cannot find any US Armed Forces Lanyards where either the material or the stitching is different on the detachable part.

(31) The source of the video showing Ryan Hillegas with a scratched left is "Making A Murderer S1:E2".

Ryan said that they "are actually writings" on the back of his left hand.

(32) Do you believe Ryan when he says the video shows "writings" on the back of his left hand?

(33) The detachable keyring found with the RAV4 key has yellow edge stitching on a denim like material like blue jeans.

The Air National Guard Lanyard has a ribbon sewn with blue thread to a nylon fabric that has no stitching.

(34) The light colored stitching can be seen better on this collage. The middle image is the 2003 key chain where the keys were shown to be Steven Avery's.

(35) Xanax, Ambien and Vicodin combined to make Ken Kratz's "cocktail" as he described it.

(36) I've found a track vehicle with bolts added as snow studs.

(37) Here's some more photos of the scratches/writings on the back of Ryan's left hand.

Note Ryan likely tried to use the video about his right hand to deflect attention from his left hand.

(38) According to studies, 99% of strangulation victims are women (1), and that about 10% of [ALL] women have actually been strangled by their intimate partner at some point in their lives (2).…

(39) If an attacker tries to strangle someone with his left hand, scratches from the victim's left hand may be similar to those seen on Ryan's left hand.

(40) A stealth Zellnami strikes!

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