Daniel Marans Profile picture
Former senior politics reporter, HuffPost.

Apr 11, 2021, 12 tweets

New for @HuffPost: How New York progressives raised taxes on the rich to up public school funding, provide emergency rental assistance, and give unemployment benefits to undocumented immigrants.

It took a decade to defy Cuomo's opposition to tax hikes: huffpost.com/entry/new-york…

This story is a sequel to my January piece looking at the comparatively conservative fiscal policy of blue states in contrast with their leaders' rhetoric.

At the time, Cuomo was holding the line against tax hikes: huffpost.com/entry/budget-c…

How much has Cuomo been forced to change his tune since first taking office in 2011?

Back then, he compared his insistence on letting a millionaire's tax expire, despite the tax's popularity, to his father's principled opposition to the death penalty: nytimes.com/2011/10/18/nyr…

The fact that the state is set to raise $4.5-billion in revenue from increases in corporate and millionaire income taxes is all the more remarkable because Schumer has said the state is on track to receive ~$24B in federal aid: gothamgazette.com/city/10229-new…

My opening anecdote tells the story of how when @NYSenatorRivera arrived in Albany in 2011, being an outspoken progressive was grounds for "getting Percoco'd" by Cuomo enforcer Joe Percoco.

Now Percoco is in prison and Rivera is enacting policies he could only dream of.

What's different in 2021?

Obviously, for one thing, Cuomo is distracted by scandal -- and may not want to risk a fight the legislature. (The Assembly can impeach him.)

But two elections -- 2018 and 2020 -- had already shifted the balance of power in NY.

Democrats retook the state Senate in '18 and got a veto-proof majority in '20.

Influx of @nywfp- and @nycDSA-backed progressives shifted character of majorities leftward too.

I spoke to @rebeccabailin, others about how the #InvestInOurNY campaign succeeded:
--Simple message ("tax the rich") and clear target (Cuomo) -- emphasizing relief from Cuomo austerity, rather than COVID-linked
--Weekly meetings with lawmaker champions (Norquist-style) ...

-- Combination of traditional activism -- press conference w/ @JamaalBowmanNY & @AOC; undocumented worker hunger strike; Capitol sleep-in -- and expert research capable of rebutting concerns about rich flight

Here's one of the thousands of door-hangers that @nycDSA used to pressure fence-sitting lawmakers:

Is the left the proverbial dog that caught the car?

Centrists like @bradleytusk suggest they now bear responsibility for outcomes of tax-and-spend experiment.

“I hope the new spending does more than just make the left feel good ..."

Left-wing lawmakers and activists say, "Not so fast."

Cuomo is still governor. And a long list of priorities like universal pre-K, help for the homeless and single payer awaits.

“We’re not done yet,” @JabariBrisport said. “This is bittersweet to me ..."

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