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Apr 11, 2021, 9 tweets

Brooklyn Center - Report of officer involved shooting possibly involving a fatality near 63rd Ave N near Kathrene. The incident involved a multi-vehicle crash just prior.

Minneapolis day watch is also being held over just in case.

The BCA has confirmed the OIS.

We're also hearing the shooting took place during a traffic stop. The vehicle reportedly took off from the female officer who discharged her weapon and the vehicle crashed into oncoming traffic.

Official details still forthcoming.


The scene in Brooklyn Center right now. A group with a megaphone has gathered and are shouting at police.

We're being told by someone on site that a person in the livestream is threatening to hunt down the police officers family on social media and doing “pull ups” on their families and friends.

Video/audio of person threatening to hunt down police and their families.

This is the guy doing the video, King Demetrius Pendleton. He's also the one who started the riot #DTMpls on Aug. 26 by spreading false information about the person who committed suicide. He spread false info that it was OIS.

Bricks are being thrown and a squad windshield was just smashed. 19:18

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