Jamin Ball Profile picture
Partner at Altimeter partnering with software businesses at the earliest stages of product market fit. Dad to 3 amazing girls. No investment advice

Apr 12, 2021, 5 tweets

Some great slides from the Crowdstrike investor briefing last week. A few call outs on what makes them such a great business, that others should aspire to:

1. TAM Expansion: The best businesses increase the size of the pie, not just their piece

2. Product Expansion Velocity: At IPO (in 2019) Crowdstrike had 10 modules. They now have 19. Amazing product development velocity

3. Upsell / Cross-Sell: Customers are using more and more Crowdstrike products. Very powerful platform flywheel

4. Go-To-Market Leverage: Channel / Partner sales showing significant momentum

5. Strong Margin Expansion: Great operating leverage

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