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Link to my Substack about the media, @Holden_Court, is below. Also seen in: @nytimes @NRO @federalist & more. Keeper of receipts. Maker of🧵threads🧵

Apr 12, 2021, 7 tweets

@ChrisCillizza I’m...not confident that this is exclusively (or even primarily) a Fox News phenomenon.

Perhaps another network who does something similar may come to mind.

All of these from @brianstelter are from *the last 36 hours* and comprise about half of his mentions of Fox News in that time.

All of these from @oliverdarcy are from the start of this month on. We’re only twelve days in.

@JohnJHarwood doesn’t even cover the media! These are all from the last ten days!

And forget just the networks. @brianstelter has tweeted about Tucker Carlson *six times* in just the last three days. Here are some.

I'm sorry @neontaster I can't continue, I just don't have the heart

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