Drew Holden Profile picture
Link to my Substack about the media, @Holden_Court, is below. Also seen in: @nytimes @NRO @federalist & more. Keeper of receipts. Maker of🧵threads🧵
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Jul 10 34 tweets 18 min read

Biden’s disastrous debate performance brought to a screeching halt a multi-year campaign from the media to present the president as mentally fit.

Do you really remember how hard the press pushed you not to trust your lyin’ eyes on Biden’s decline?

Start here ⤵️ I suspect most of you remember the allegations from the White House that videos showing Biden behaving erratically were “cheap fakes.”

The media rushed to repeat this claim. Look at the extent @nytimes went to say you didn’t see anything and that Biden was fine.

Jun 27 24 tweets 16 min read

You remember Russian Collusion. But do you remember the “Russian bounties” allegation, where the press ran with a conspiracy theory to make Trump look like a monster?

With the debate tonight, I think it’s timely to revisit a falsehood Biden pushed. Follow along ⤵️ It started with a scoop from @nytimes that claimed Russia had placed bounties on American soldiers in Afghanistan, that Trump knew about it, and he did nothing.
Jun 12 27 tweets 15 min read

Do you *really* remember the Hunter Biden laptop story? I fear we’ve lost the plot.

With Hunter’s name in the news I wanted to revisit the extent to which the media went to cover up corruption allegations against—and at the behest of—his father.

Follow along. ⤵️ You have to start with the scoop from @nypost and @EmmaJoNYC.

Their lede from October was damning:

“Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company.”Image
May 29 4 tweets 1 min read
Good to see the NYT’s considerable resources being put to finding the truth in a debate between private citizens that led one of them to raise a flag upside down.

Real afflict the comfortable, comfort the afflicted stuff here. This is not, in a well ordered universe, news.

It has only become “news” because of the pivot to left wing clickbait that Trump inspired among the press.
May 28 25 tweets 12 min read

I’ve got an oldie-but-a-goodie for you from the archive of unhinged media coverage.

Do you remember how insane the coverage of Trump’s killing of Iranian Gen. Soleimani was?

I bet it’s worse than you remember. Follow along ⤵️ It all started with what I’ve gotta say might be the coldest presidential use of social media in history.

After ordering the strike that killed Iranian General Qaseem Soleimani, Trump tweeted out simply a picture of an American flag.

Many in the media went berserk. Image
May 23 5 tweets 1 min read
My hottest take is that, outside of the Beltway (something, to be clear, I am not!) most Americans to the right of MSNBC simply don’t feel anything like “vertigo” about Trump. Image I think part of why Trump is such a visceral experience for so many people who have been in DC for a long time is that these types of people (again, me included!) weren’t familiar with the idea that they could viscerally hate a politician even when he’s out of office.
May 22 5 tweets 1 min read
If you were making a parody of MSNBC, what would you do differently than what the network already produces? Image I recognize this is an opinion piece but the decision to run an opinion piece is…a decision.
May 16 22 tweets 7 min read

The day after my 30th birthday I was diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor.

Two years later, I’m in remission. I don’t talk much about what happened, but I wanted to write it down, both for myself, and in case it could help others.

If interested, follow along. ⤵️ This is admittedly uncomfortable for me. I’m trying to learn how to talk about the experience, because it’s obviously become a big part of my life.

If you aren’t interested in the details, I totally understand. But I want to get this story in one place.
May 8 19 tweets 10 min read

I’m sure you’ve all seen the protests and attendant anti-Semitism at many elite American universities. What you may not be aware of is the hypocrisy in how schools have handled them.

Do you remember what these places said about protests in 2020? I’ve got receipts. ⤵️ We’ve gotta start with @Columbia, given their central role in this drama.

In 2020, the university pledged to change how campus police operated, and said protests were part of a “heightened state of consciousness” on race & were driving the “revitalization of American democracy.”

May 2 28 tweets 15 min read

Want to see a media conspiracy, based on Biden admin propaganda to smear a GOP governor, come into existence?

If so, follow along. Let’s revisit the media claim that Texas “physically barred” drowning migrants from entering the country.

Another long one ⤵️ Back in mid-January, three people trying to enter the country illegally drowned in the Rio Grande. It happened while Texas & the Biden admin were fighting about security measures.

The Biden admin told the press a lie. The media ran with it, and most never corrected the stories.
Apr 24 28 tweets 16 min read

Do you remember how bad the media’s “Covid lab leak” - the hypothesis that the virus came from a lab - coverage was?

I thought I did. But it was a more dramatic example of uniform media malpractice than even I remembered.

So I revisited it. Buckle in, it’s long. ⤵️ It started in Feb 2020 when @SenTomCotton suggested looking into the CCP lab studying bats near the initial cases in Wuhan.

The media were outraged. In a since-updated piece, @washingtonpost said the idea was a “conspiracy theory that has been repeatedly debunked by experts.”
Apr 22 10 tweets 3 min read
It's always interesting to me, the tweets outlets never bother to delete. The reason I take screenshots is that I'm always paranoid that an outlet or journalist will scrap the evidence of a bad take. Maybe I should be giving folks more credit for standing by their inaccuracies.
Apr 17 8 tweets 2 min read

I launched a newsletter, called Holden Court, about the media, what they get wrong & why it matters. The goal is to reach beyond what my 🧵s have on Twitter & to build a better recent history of media & media criticism.

You can sign up at the link in my bio. More ⤵️ At that link you can read my launch piece and get a better idea of what it is that I’m trying to do.

The piece also walks through a recent example of bad media coverage that I worry we’re already forgetting about: the start of Covid. Image
Apr 16 8 tweets 2 min read
I’m launching something new, so naturally I figured the best explainer was a 🧵thread🧵.

Introducing Holden Court, my Substack about the media, what it gets wrong, and why it matters.

You probably know the drill, but more details & links to sign up in the tweets below. ⤵️ Image Holden Court aims to unpack media failures, particularly when the media misses in unison on important political topics. But I’ll also have one-off content, Q&A opportunities, a mailbag and maybe virtual (or even in person) happy hours, too.

Sign up here: open.substack.com/pub/drewholden…
Mar 19 23 tweets 13 min read

“15 days to slow the spread” kicked off four years ago Saturday, sending the media into perhaps its most deranged cycle of my lifetime.

I dove back into some of the worst lockdown media coverage from those early days.

Buckle in, this one’s long. ⤵️ The real worst of the coverage was when states started reopening. The media outrage was palpable. Republicans wanted people to die, we were told.

Remember @TheAtlantic’s “Georgia’s Experiment in Human Sacrifice”? You may’ve forgotten how wild the text of it was. I did.
Mar 12 18 tweets 12 min read

Another media conspiracy, this time that Trump attacked a Secret Service agent on Jan 6, imploded yesterday.

Remember when the media—in unison—reported the “bombshell” allegations as fact?

I do. And I’ve got screenshots.⤵️ You’re familiar with the story I suspect but just in case: when former aid Cassidy Hutchinson testified Trump had “lunged” for a secret service steering wheel on Jan. 6, the media rushed to print the salacious (& false) claims as true.

Here’s @NBCNews @CNN @ABC @washingtonpost

Mar 7 16 tweets 8 min read

Does it feel like the media call the border a “crisis” more lately? You aren’t imagining it.

After dismissing the term as Biden’s border crisis mounted, the press have broken it out to try to blame the GOP. @FreeBeacon

I break it down. ⤵️
freebeacon.com/media/watch-ho… The new change is stark. I went thru @nytimes digital archive.

Since Biden said the border wasn’t secure in late Jan, “border crisis” appeared in 26 NYT stories, even as crossings declined.

When crossings peaked in Nov & Dec, but there was no one but Biden to blame?

5 mentions
Mar 5 12 tweets 5 min read

What happened to the media’s legal “experts” who said Colorado was right to kick Trump off the ballot? Remember them? I do. @FreeBeacon.

Quick trip down memory lane after even the liberal SCOTUS justices rejected Colorado’s claims. ⤵️
freebeacon.com/media/watch-su… Here’s a link to the video which is incredible. Lot of media hosts and talking heads were convinced Trump was toast. (H/t @thaleigha_ for making this gem).

The “experts” said so!
Mar 4 4 tweets 2 min read
Tough day for this media conspiracy theory.
Image Can someone check on Joy Reid? Is she doing okay? Image
Feb 27 14 tweets 7 min read

Remember when Biden didn’t have the authority to close the border? That’s what the media insisted…right up until Biden decided to act.

The press turned on a dime. POTUS suddenly had “sweeping presidential powers.” @FreeBeacon

Start here ⤵️
freebeacon.com/media/watch-bi… After Republicans accused Biden of refusing to do anything to address the border crisis for weeks, the press jumped in to suggest the president’s hands were tied.

Just look at this headline from @Forbes Image
Feb 27 8 tweets 4 min read
The media hid the fact that the suspect in the killing of a GA college student was an illegal immigrant released by Biden into the country.

It’s another example of the media playing defense for Biden’s failed border policies. @FreeBeacon.

Quick 🧵⤵️
freebeacon.com/media/media-hi… A lot of the unsavory details were reported by @AliBradleyTV in a thread Friday night. It’s worth your time to read it: the alleged killer was paroled under Biden’s open border policies in September 2022.

The tragedy would be entirely preventable if we had a secure border.