Brother Streetjoy Profile picture
Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

Apr 12, 2021, 14 tweets


No idea where this is going but a chronology of the times 1_7 used “Biblical”& related dates

It was used 14 times, & there were tweets & 2 different YouTube videos with the famous quote from “Law-Abiding Citizen”

Let’s see what happens...

2/ We have the first YouTube video

The uploader Krstonosec1 publishes it 6/6/12

“Krstonosec” is Macedonian for Crusader

6/6 is D-Day (troops were given a Bible)

Those both seem like a heck of a coincidence

11 drops on 6/6, including a prayer, D-Day, & “TheSixthSeal” tweet

3/ The OTHER video has a very different uploader name

Dracu666 👀

Dracula comes to mind, & its a general Romanian curse word


1967, Egypt blockaded the Red Sea against Israel

1844: Morse sent the message “What hath God wrought” (Numbers *23:23*)


4/ I don’t know why 1_7 would use such 2 very different uploader names for videos that are essentially “serving the same point”

The Crusader one is 32 seconds, the Dracu666 is 12

I don’t think these or the upload dates are coincidental

It’s easy to Read Too Much Into, but...

5/ There were 13 drops on the date of 5/24/20 - the only year to have drops on that date

Most to do with Shadow Presidency & the Virus

6/ First time it was used in a Drop was 1455 (14,5:5?)

6/11/18 @ 1309

& if relevant, we all know Drop 14

7/ Next 2 times link to the Pope’s tweet with Godfather III

& Rudy’s tweet about not being afraid

Both tweets were on the same day as the drops


8/ Next one doesn’t actually contain Biblical, but a link to the Dracu666 YouTube video

#3649 12/3/19, 2149 hours

Screencap of POTUS RT of a tweet from 11/28/18 at 0153

9/ Drop 3828 on 2/5/20 at 0134

Again, just a link to the YT video with the Dracu666 link

(At some point some autist will have to figure out time differences between all these to look for anything similarity)

10/ Drop 4208 on 5/11/20 at 1402

Photo of young POTUS with “HE FIGHTS FOR YOU”

This one links to the Krstonosec (Crusader) poster

11/ Then we have 4418 Drop (6/4/20, 2326) pointing to a Scavino tweet (2257) with lightning striking the Washington Obelis- I mean Monument

Then 4465 Drop (6/13/20 at 1617) that just says “Biblical Times”

12/ Then 4541 on 6/29/20 with a letter that uses the word Biblical twice

Then the auspiciously numbered 4545 (6/30/20, 0019)

Long one

“We are living in Biblical times”

13/ Another number: 4550 (6/30/20 at 1400 exactly)

Then 4557 (7/1/20, 1358) sharing a tweet with just “Biblical” - again with lightning from a Heather Childers (this time in NYC, tweet at 1329 hours)

14/ Then 4790 (9/29/20, 1511) with a JPEG called Biblical

Then the last one 4884 (a mirror) at 10/17/20, 1416: “Enjoy the show!” with the YT video of Krstonosec (Crusader)

That’s it! I like that the last one is Enjoy the Show

Again, maybe there’s something mathematical, IDK🤷‍♂️

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