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Apr 13, 2021, 19 tweets

At Brooklyn Center Police Dept.
RT media reporter was accosted by protesters. Around 1:39 mark

1000 people reported to be in the area.

First dispersal order given. Projectiles being thrown at law enforcement.

Broken bottles being thrown.

Looks like gas is being deployed by police and a protester has a leaf blower to blow it back at them.

Another dispersal warning has been given.

"Heavy projectiles being thrown" by crowd. 20:25

More gas canisters being deployed. Protesters not really moving. Projectiles still being lobbed over the fence at police.

Another dispersal warning is being given. 20:39

Commercial fireworks being shot at police now.

Ope, skateboard, that's totes illegal under curfew.

Police pushing out to the crowd. 21:03

Report of one officer with an injury. Unknown details or extent of injury. 21:16

Arrests have commenced. 21:28

Report of multiple shots fired in Brooklyn Center.

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