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Fine Art equines Fashion stylist/sustainability consultant #Welsh w/c Newport HorseRacing Libertarian 💜🙂 AntiGlobalist Pr: Us v Them 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏇🐏👠🌸

Apr 13, 2021, 19 tweets

@guardianeco Western urban middle class luxury to be even fretting about this, disconnected from food. As for the packaging well we used to have bottle return, empties collected by milkman delivered to door by electric vehicle; though you'd lose the odd one with the birds. UK produces 14

@guardianeco billion litres for cows on pasture mainly. So Cal entire almond production couldn't get near that (damage bees, water issues etc) Then butter tallow etc- that is what we use before palm oil & associated defoestation. Av herd size just 143 despite mega dairies, even some very

@guardianeco large herds on pasture I know of one 2k head. The idea dairy or beef cattle were ever consuming soya in significant quantity was a lie; even World in Data, not prone to supporting pro livestock showed breakdown; as did FAO study & Sustainable Food Trust. What you will notice

@guardianeco there is pigs are main soya consumers & that is China. Reason: China has been losing 1.5 million hectares a year of pasture, in their shift from ag to ind powerhouse so in very real way consumables of other kinds eg training shoes fast fashion & inbuilt obs tech, are what drives

@guardianeco that as they are all, NOT durable and the model designed on massive production costs to produce things that do not last & keep people coming back to the corporate well. IN case fast fashion, do not insulate, and cause synthetic landfill issues too. Whereas leather - a co product

@guardianeco of dairy/beef same land/resources. Now sure, pr leather shoes costs 100kg emissions to produce, but lasts 20 yrs (understimate actually given huge cottage industry repairing/resell leather shoes). Synth 35kg but last 6 months so need 40 prs thus 1.3 tonnes MORE. That's just shoes

@guardianeco But massive greenwash going on with these corporates, NGOs/academia corrupted by WEF money who need scapegoat to preserve their production, combined with imperialist ecofascist attack on indigenous people physically & on livestock propaganda spew masquerading as scientific

@guardianeco By misusing data on a variety of fronts. Here for eg WWF touted 'science' trying to make out lamb cawl worse than other food emissions wise yet patent misuse of the nature of such stews

@guardianeco So recycling plastic, NOT a genuine circular economy of sustainability: leather wool silk cashmere etc these things made to last & instead of supporting virtual slavery for things that will def never last, support cultural/economic autonomy & value livelihoods everywhere

@guardianeco More on that here

Then about that FAO study. This showed that livestock do not consume crop that is suitable for human consumption. It is mainly pasture & hay which supports biodiversity,

@guardianeco and much of it land which is marginal unsuitable for crops, and even grassland that is supports biodiversity far more effectively than crop land, with associated monocrop, land exhaustion, pesticide, and human slavery issues.cgiar.org/news-events/ne…

@guardianeco And, the ultimate was vegan oat drink brand Oatly being caught with their pants down using 8 THOUSAND tonnes of their waste for..intensive pig feed. People don't seem to realise intensive animal farming in many ways the RESULT of the waste from all these intensive scale crops, as

@guardianeco are land change use issues destroying habitat. Tbh I find is CRAZY that people are worried about milk in UK on environment & ethics grounds when they don't see the appalling destruction & slave labour involved in corporate 'plant based' ag systems: always was exploitative they

@guardianeco didn't ship slaves to be cowboys did they? In fact after US civil war freed slaves found respect & gainful employment as cowboys, something sadly westerns don't really show much. Similarly many indigenous Americans found livestock ranching more to their taste than crops. In USA

@guardianeco generally, while more industrialized farming, average herd size does not suggest this main model,though supplies much dairy/beef, finishing lots where beef cattle eg spend just last month or so, mainly being raised on grassland & again often semi desert; & beneficial wildlife

@guardianeco Take for eg Texas no 1 cattle state v Kansas no 1 crop state look at cougar numbers. Take my area many dairy & sheep farms, robust biodiversity v the monocrops areas your oat milk comes from, & these farms a barriere to urban development once they fail they become urbanized. So

@guardianeco it is all a massive corruption of ideas of sustainability, and all about corporate con to greenwash their activities with disconnected urban metroplitan 'ethics'. And The Guardian, are on the payroll too btw who have been helping. adapnation.io/theguardian-pl…

@guardianeco As for seaweed added to feed: entirely natural , cattle will always graze it given opportunity. And requires little added to feed to produce results re emissions.
So, support dairy/meat, buy quality wool leather etc do NOT even think about it: no brainer.
Sometimes old tech best

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