C H I E F, the NuriaStore Bookseller Profile picture

Apr 13, 2021, 6 tweets

Reading is a habit that not only educates but also makes one reflect upon life and teaches valuable life lessons.

Here we (@NuriaStore) share some tips to turn your kids into avid readers:




Create a reading space

Have a designated reading space in the house for keeping all reading materials-- it could be a bookshelf in a corner or a table in the kid's room. The idea is to make books and other reading materials accessible for children at home.


Make reading a daily habit

Just like eating healthy food and exercising daily are essential for staying fit, reading regularly is important for keeping the mind sharp. And so, parents should make reading daily a part of their and their child's routine.



Read to your kid

Whether it is reading the news to children from the newspaper or reading stories to them at bedtime-- make it a habit to read to your kids every day. This will teach them that reading and storytelling are important in life and they'll be encouraged to read more.

Take your children to the local library or bookstores

Make trips to your local library or come to our store- @NuriaStore with your children, and give them the opportunity to browse through different books and choose what they want to read

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