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Apr 13, 2021, 6 tweets

Every year #tobacco kills over 8⃣ million people around the world, and costs economies over USD1.4 trillion in health spending and lost productivity.

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⬆️ Increasing tobacco taxes is the most effective way to reduce #tobacco use and lower the risk of associated death & illness, and healthcare costs. #Tax4Health

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Tobacco deaths increased from 5⃣ million in 2010 to 8⃣ million in 2020.

Governments can reverse the trend with the right #tobacco control measures such as raising tobacco taxes. #Tax4Health

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In 2018, only 3⃣8⃣ countries covering 14% of the global population, had sufficiently high #tobacco taxes.

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Through #tobacco tax policies, countries can increase their revenues to fight #COVID19 with more resources, and strengthen their plans to build back better after the pandemic. #Tax4Health

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Raising #tobacco taxes is SMART. It helps

💡 Save lives
💡 Mobilize resources
💡 Address health inequities
💡 Reduce health system burdens & costs
💡 Target noncommunicable disease (NCD) risk factors to achieve @GlobalGoalsUN

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