Francis Hoar Profile picture
Barrister, practise in election/public law, commercial and employment law. Legal commentator. History, architecture, skiing, singing.

Apr 13, 2021, 8 tweets

Some extracts from the Weimar judgment on masks, asymptomatic transmission and PCR testing (link below).
On the absence of evidence that mask mandates make any material difference to transmission...

...see also the absence of any correlation between their imposition and change in the rate of growth of transmission).

On the absence of evidence that social distancing between two asymptomatic people has any effect on transmission:

Because asymptomatic transmission is a myth not based on evidence:

On PCR testing and the - accepted (see Dr Fauci last year) - fact that cycles of over 35 do not reveal live viral matter and those of 25-34 need confirmation by being matched with viral cultivation.

On misleadingly using the term ‘incidence’ to report people repeatedly tested.

Conclusion on the use of PCR tests.

And the judge’s last words speak for themselves.

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