How to get URL link on X (Twitter) App that they aren’t is in large part (although not only) because of the Terms of Reference and the lack of an adversarial process through cross-examination of experts by participants with different perspectives., while there is a duty to construct legislation compatibly with Convention rights (as considered to apply by domestic courts or Strasbourg jurisprudence) where it is possible to do so, Parliament can then legislate so that it is impossible for the courts to do anything but follow their direction, even if incompatible with the courts’ jurisprudence on Convention rights. reason why the Chief Medical Officers of the UK and devolved nations (‘the CMOs’) recommended overruling them was astonishingly flimsy - that they might save a (proportionately) tiny number of school days in absences by reducing the number of children getting Covid. long ago, such withdrawal would have been expected and uncontroversial, however sad, where medical professionals determined that it was very unlikely that a person would awake from a coma. had been working on this with other journalists - @TedJeory @mragilligan, John Ware and more - for years. But assembling the evidence was particularly challenging in the face of an organisation controlled by one man. I said (in relation to pandemic planning) in November 2020. Did you question the use of such an incredibly discredited figure as Neil Ferguson and did you investigate his credentials, in particular his history of using his 'reasonable worst case scenario' models to exaggerate mortality by between 1,000 and 500,000 times? heads should know that this is guidance. Not only are they not obliged to implement it, they have an independent duty to undertake a risk assessment of the effect of continuous mask wearing on children. Following government advice is no answer or substitute. @leoniedelt approach was built in to UK policy making with Raab’s ‘Five Tests’ (in April 2020) that fettered the government’s discretion to remove restrictions until tests relating only to this one virus had been met. human condition has, since the Neolithic revolution, required an accommodation with viruses. This is not simply a matter of health, it is a matter of our ability to tolerate the risks as well as the benefits of society in its widest sense. maybe Germany next. Smith may be an extreme example. But my old head of chambers, Sir Ivan Lawrence QC, not only had a regular practice at the Old Bailey, he sat on standing committees (considering legislation), introduced a backbench Bill that became law and held the record for filibustering. the Commons report is a pile of arse-covering horse-manure too.