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Fine Art equines Fashion stylist/sustainability consultant #Welsh w/c Newport HorseRacing Libertarian 💜🙂 AntiGlobalist Pr: Us v Them 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿🏇🐏👠🌸

Apr 13, 2021, 8 tweets

@MattSleight @N7Kopper @thetimes so Mr Depressed by 'willful ignorance', do you think you may have some to deal with? Start with Professor Mitloehner here re emissions. Emissions btw which wool sheepskin leather etc co prod meat, lessens reliance on from production to end life

@MattSleight @N7Kopper @thetimes So eg. BBC propagated lie re Bonin doc already, people made to believe beef responsible for soya. NOT true even 90% Brazils cattle pasture fed (Silva et al), and even Our World in Data, know for its anti meat posture, figures couldn't support it: pests fed as much. Sustainable

@MattSleight @N7Kopper @thetimes Food Trust showed certainly isn't UK. The FAO study last yr also proved livestock NOT generally fed crops suitable for human use & indeed provided a solution re waste after human use which is considerable even Oatly vegan brand caught selling 8K tonnes yr waste to pig farms

@MattSleight @N7Kopper @thetimes Furthermore, as we do NOT in the west consume Chinese pork/chicken to speak of, but DO consume in ABUNDANCE what their pasture has been disappearing at a rate of area size of Wales a YEAR,

@MattSleight @N7Kopper @thetimes ie fast fashion, sports shoes, & inbuilt obsolteion tech (latter each UK adult disposes 20kg+, & when you consider 2kg laptop is 400kg emissions ie more than 1 persons av beef consumption yr per kg, this matters. But yeah meat made a scapegoat by very WEF villains flogging it.

@MattSleight @N7Kopper @thetimes So only meat that may not be sustainable related re Brazil soya is China's driven that. Yet @BBC give it a bye. So already misled entire nation, now try to slip it in to kids tv. Got taken down, because it's demonstrable LIE not because farmers complained; even Mann acknowledges:

@MattSleight @N7Kopper @thetimes @BBC & so he should because threatens entire cred of climate change argument. Because NOT just that lost pasture thus soya deforestation in Brazil, but ALSO COST production: Chinese ain't burning this to keep warm but to produce that consumerism of tat.
@Cbbc now need to tell TRUTH

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